
Benefits of registering

Why does the portal require registration?

This is to maintain a reasonable level of security - Registration helps prevent unauthorized tampering with our system. Please do NOT use your neopets password or email address to register on this site. Although we take great care in securing the site, like any other security system, we cannot offer a 100% guarantee.. For more information on NeoMallers Portal, click here

So what are the benefits?

You can request premade customs, get help, or simply chat on the forums.

100% Spy-ware, Ad-Aware, Virus-Free. Guaranteed.

We constantly run virus checks on all of our files to ensure optimum security. However, please note that you CANNOT transfer NeoMallers Portal over Microsoft Networks. This includes, but not limited to, Hotmail and MSN Messenger. Microsoft has banned the transmission of user-made applications for obvious security reasons.

Already Registered?
Click here to download the portal.


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Therefore it is your responsibility to keep yourself updated.