Neopets Top Shops

57 (+ 0) | Hour: 62 |Today: 125 [?] view market analysis

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Rank Username Today Yesterday Average Category
1swiftech627671640 Plushies, Toys and Usukis
2pawsrus379265292 candy
3habit_of_mine139130131 Wearables and Fire Faerie
4amanduh10211361766 Variety and Packrat
5baby_pavan127116123 Petpets and Supplies
6hopegina11411293 Neggs and Gifts
7wzzy22113101117 Toys and Plushies
8codsetone_seller_1110103166 Petpets and Supplies
9happy_angel_baby8697104 Clothing and Grooming
10merton666723456 Furniture and Garden
11nickyrach697066 Clothing, Grooming, Fire and Air Faeries
12darktempe5t678470 Merchant Plus Mega Mall BD and Cures
13nicx321658493 Bakery and Sweets
14wwe_3_fan56636688 Bakery and Sweets
15packapot615650 Clothing and Grooming
16boltsforthecup584261 Petpets and Supplies
17starr_252546172114 Junk Sweep and Transition to Books
18kipdrodry23415234 Food and Drinks
19frogz692003394052 Omelettes, Apples, Cakes, and Jelly
20foxywhyte332937 Backgrounds/Garlands/Frames/Foregrounds
21dmitri_stanislaus315445 paint paint and more paint
22neogery313424 Painting and Morphing
23sumatrafor1303433 Clothing and Grooming
24wizkidanisa302920 Grooming and beauty
25loulou1954252122 Food and Drinks
26_perpette_252642 Sands and Gifts
27talpidat253518 Bakery and Sweets
28ukchuckler243425 toys and plushies
29amsmani232318 Training, Medicine and Luck
30jetaketa222616 Golden Group Magic and Medicine
Allows you to specify your mall name. Show your mall members only.

Top Shops 4.3 (2023.09.25)

This page lists today's top-ranking NeoPets shops, as reported by the NeoMallers counters service.
You are shown in red and your branch members are shown in green. while members from other branches are shown in blue
Cloaked mall members are printed in brackets.

Category Filter

Categories can now be auto filtered either from the search bar or by clicking a keyword from a person's category name.
For instance, clicking on PAINT will filter the topshops by that keyword.

Who's Shopping Stats - Help

The first number 57 depicts the number of users shopping in NeoMallers Shops. (+ 0) refers to the change of the current number of users shopping with respect to the amount at the start of the hour. The second number (62) is the highest #amount of users shopping at one time for the current hour. The 3rd number (125) is the highest amount of users shopping across the entire day.