I'm an addict is there a neopets annonamous

Just got locked out after only 2 hours of shopping!!!!!!!! My wife got on after I did they cut her off as well. Last Month I was a little nuts and shopped for 24 hours straight. What gives. Agular/Jeff

no group therapy sessions that I can find. I had a friend once make a "neopets patch" and stuck it to my arm with clear tape...

2 hours, then 24 hours? So... uh....what's the question? I don't see anything unusual about that. Really, what else would you be doing with 24 hours. :P ~ Love books? Please visit my bookshop. :) http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=lolooma
~ Love books? Please visit my bookshop. :) http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=lolooma

Perhaps Spellers Anonymous would be more useful
Spare a CC vote please? :* http://www.neopets.com/games/caption_browse.phtml

whats the opposite of of above me??? Below me life long problem spell check is my friend Agular