Neopets Glitches

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Last seen: 1 hour 25 min ago
Joined: 10/06/2007 - 12:30pm
Viewing: Inbox | Messages: 1 - 20 of 118 [quote]From: [andreadub] andreadub » Make this user your Neofriend Sent: 16/10/2009 12:34pm Folder: Inbox Subject: Va voir Message: [Report Message] Regarde cet objet du 'Centre NC' : Jour PluvieuxAssure-toi que ton Neopet ne porte rien qui soit en métal.Tu peux le trouver dans la section Babioles.[/quote] wtf. i keep my inbox full so i dont get non-english noob mail like that and i got 18 mails from that person. even with a full inbox. And i cant reply to it either since it says it's not even my mail. These non-english speakers are starting to get on my nerves now lol
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