Random Venting about Life...

Right, so I've been working on this awful chem project all summer, and all fall thus far. The project has never remotely come close to working, and I've wasted so much of my life working on it. Due to this project I've come to a realization that I truly despise chemistry and want to get it over with and never use it again. We recently ran the reaction AGAIN, and the grad students put together the run for me, since it never works when I do it... and surprise surprise, it didn't work again. So Nichole looked at it more closely... turns out, my professor gave me a reaction that starts with the chemical naringenin... and he gave me a starting reactant that is narginin... without the EN in the middle. So they're two entirely different chemicals... which explains why I never managed any remotely useful result of any kind.... My word, he has a DOCTORATE in chemistry. He's supposed to know what he's doing, not waste undergrads lives on worthlessness like that. -_- Grr....

Doctorate? You'd be surprised at how much that means nothing lol. I bet they're of those people who bought a degree for cheap on ebay or whystudy.com/buyyourPhDs/forless.htm Which reminds me, the "professionals" here are such dumbasses. they dont know anything! seriously. My parents sold a house last year and yeah - real estate agents and the lawyers they referred?, NOTHING! NADA. All they tried to do was try to scam. Oh yeah, if you live in the Toronto/Rexdale area and thinking of buying/selling your home: *** warning *** Do not go with Scam-tury 21. Go Re/Max lol
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I'm in Cell Biology and the teacher talks over our heads. No one knows what he is talking about. We all had BIO 100 and 101, but I feel like I've skipped a class in between that would have helped me understand him. Plus he doesn't speak good English so that doesn't help either *unsure* Then in Anatomy and Physiology, we have to do this 'Community Project'. Bull, we're pretty much the guinea pigs for the Nutrition students. We write down what we eat for a month and figure out it's serving size, how much glucose and carbs is in it. I don't know, I just eat it *cry*