So dumb

Oh my god.. so dumb. I just accidentally cleared my entire sales history from today. A Saturday. Quite possibly the worst day to make this mistake. I went back in my browser, as it usually stores it, but not this time. No idea why. and no, I don't keep up with portal as much as I should during the week - usually play catch up on Sundays. Sigh. /rant

Aww the one time the browser picks to not save it huh :( ___________ [color=gray]Kirsty, aka evil super mod[/color] [size=11][i]Sniper, maller, restocker Silverdragon siggy stealer Best wearables shop owner ever![/i][/size]
___________ Kirsty aka "the sensitive one" Silverdragon siggy stealer Tasty tent seller

Yeah =[ I think that was also my fault because I use my mouse buttons to go backwards when I need to. I think I might have gone back 2 pages instead of one, then when I went forward again from then on, it just showed me the clear page. Maybe it's a sign to make graphics and stop dealing with stock :*
- Kara

Yeah or just take the night off neo :P I've been having a nice relaxing evening of wine and reading a good book. Just been popping on occasionally to snipe each hour and stuff. Although I did stock my shop insanely yesterday so I guess it's good for a few days now either way. Shame to lose all your sales stats though. I've done it myself before, but not since using the portal, which I only started doing in April this year. Wish i'd started using it earlier though as the portal beats my maths any day. ___________ [color=gray]Kirsty, aka evil super mod[/color] [size=11][i]Sniper, maller, restocker Silverdragon siggy stealer Best wearables shop owner ever![/i][/size]
___________ Kirsty aka "the sensitive one" Silverdragon siggy stealer Tasty tent seller

[center] hahaha. :P Click on File > Work Offline... It works for me! :P [p] Please help me support my Training, Meds, Neggs shop! Click here[/center]
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Gonna hijack this thread [quote] Main Market Mall Recruiting[/quote] [quote]Shop: Earth Faerie Quest? Need Medicine? Morph Your Neopets! Size 250[/quote] Main market seems to get smaller and smaller nowadays dont you think?
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*lol* I saw that thread... the owner of the main market mall has a size 250 shop? Very weird :P
[hr][size=11]Training, Luck & Medicine! ^_^ [/size]

yeah he applies to main market malls (mostly cards spot) all the time thinking they would accept a non-spooky shop. That guy even applied to my mall too - As if *lol* Ohh and i think he's the one who pissed of AuntAdria too. Created a pet named after her or something. Fountain is kinda dying. Owner and mallers are inactive and the ones who do still play were getting pissed off. Matter of time now.
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I am so sorry that happened to you and I do the same thing, delete the shop history then hit the back button to copy/paste it into portal. Each time I think, please be there, please be there! I felt like a total idiot a bit ago... I was humming right along pricing for 2 hours straight and suddenly forgot, I mean TOTALLY WENT BLANK my pin number. I could not update prices, take anything out of my SDB, etc... I had 3 failed attempts before I realized I was typing in the date "1022" instead of my pin number and then couldn't remember what it was. (I put the date in the comments section on items so I can search for the date -- know when I put the stock in there, etc.) FINALLY I remembered but that just goes to show that I should probably take a nap now that I have switched categories. *ya think?* As for Main Market manager/shop being 250 -- *Psht! -- you can have the board back now, *lol* ~ Mimi ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ Mimi's Ménagerie ~
~ Mimi ~