AC Guilds

Gah..hear my rant. So i closed serenity my old guild from my co and some other members ruined it completely. So now i made radiance (which i decided to resign from leadership) and my ex co is still harrassing me with her members..its like she is making a competition out of everything. We both have avie guilds..hers is the same info from serenity and mine is really different..members can run their own activities if approved, etc. But its like no matter what, if my guild has a grand opening rec board, she is on there posting this link about a false msn chat i had with them. They edited it completely and i think one of them used my name as theirs so it looked like me. Now im like the most hated person on the AC beause my ex keeps on harrassing me with some ex members whom ruined serenity. I wish it would all stop as its just is really pathetic. From day 1 she has been sending out a false neomail to the guild members about why serenity was closed and stealing my members/people whom want to join radiance by inviting them and telling them lies. Now I feel like no matter what board i am, im being watched at what im posting and all this stuff. How do you solve a problem like this? They are all blocked. I dont even talk to them nor their i will say thank you for a bump if they bump the rec. board but other than that i dont chat with them. -ends rant-

[center] Well, if they're doing that, then technically they're harassing you... which can be reported. *shrugs* ------------------------------------------------------------------- [url=]~~ Come visit my map shop ~~[/url] [/center]
[center] ------------------------------------------------------------------- [url=]~~ Come visit my map shop ~~[/url] [/center]

Yeah. I dont remember how many times my guild members and myself have reported them and nothing happens. Frozen for no reason, was raided or whatever.

Tough one.. but Raine Storme is right. The best option would be to report them for harassment. TNT will have records of neomails and will take care of things. As for how you should react; don't. Just carry on with things as though there's nothing wrong. Look after your own guild as you normally would. Your ex will likely end up with a frozen account, her guild removed, and her IP address banned. So everything will calm down eventually. The few people that your ex will speak to will have no vested interest in believing (or disbelieving) what's said. Things like this fade into the background and are forgotten. If any random people message you with queries and insults, just report the person to TNT (not to get them frozen, but because they've spoken to someone who's harassing you - TNT will be able to track the source and deal with it). Feeling like you're being watched is a personal thing; as in, it's your own fears that are causing it. You being worried about it doesn't mean it's actually happening. If you simply cannot get past these concerns, just refrain from posting for a few weeks. Things will calm down. And you can take the time to just take a watch the boards (without posting) to confirm for yourself that people aren't talking about you or conspiring in any way. In all, it just seems like someone has taken an interest in being a bother to you. This only works so long as there's a result that they can readily discern; they get a reaction out of you. Without this they will soon get bored and move on. The bigger the reaction you give them, the more likely they are to continue with the game.

Thanks for your advice. When i see them on a board, i dont chat with them..if they ruin the rec board, members just let it die. No one responds to them no more since serenity died out. I hope with what your saying does work you know. TNT lacks some things when it comes to freezing people and what not. Thank you! Frozen for no reason, was raided or whatever.

Best is to ignore and report. the more you complain, the more fun idiots have. --------------------------------- Dmitri aka "the insensitive one" [size=11][i]Maller, restocker Kirsty siggy stealer Second Best wearables shop owner ever![/i][/size]
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Generally, TNT will only freeze as a last resort, when they think the problem is so severe that no remedy should be sought, or when the offense is very severe. Harassment is one of those 'grey areas' where people can tread on without really knowing they are. TNT will not freeze outright for this. Harassing someone is more likely to result in a warning, or at worst a suspension. Repeated harassments (despite warnings) could result in a freezing. It's most likely that your ex has already been warned and may have toned down their efforts. If it continues over the days, just report each item you see once. Don't get anyone else to report (that in itself is a form of harassment). TNT will not put any extra attention into the problem if you get other unaffected people to report.

I mainly am the one reporting them for harrassment. my guild members (if they were on the rec board) would just report for spamming..thats about it. I dont think any of them went into major reporting for harrassment and what not.. i think she did get a warning but im not sure..i do know she was suspended about 3 times already. Frozen for no reason, was raided or whatever.