AC Guilds
Submitted by Slim on Fri, 29/01/2010 - 7:43pm
Gah..hear my rant.
So i closed serenity my old guild from my co and some other members ruined it completely.
So now i made radiance (which i decided to resign from leadership) and my ex co is still harrassing me with her members..its like she is making a competition out of everything.
We both have avie guilds..hers is the same info from serenity and mine is really different..members can run their own activities if approved, etc.
But its like no matter what, if my guild has a grand opening rec board, she is on there posting this link about a false msn chat i had with them. They edited it completely and i think one of them used my name as theirs so it looked like me. Now im like the most hated person on the AC beause my ex keeps on harrassing me with some ex members whom ruined serenity.
I wish it would all stop as its just is really pathetic.
From day 1 she has been sending out a false neomail to the guild members about why serenity was closed and stealing my members/people whom want to join radiance by inviting them and telling them lies.
Now I feel like no matter what board i am, im being watched at what im posting and all this stuff.
How do you solve a problem like this?
They are all blocked.
I dont even talk to them nor their i will say thank you for a bump if they bump the rec. board but other than that i dont chat with them.
-ends rant-
Well, if they're doing t
Yeah. I dont remember ho
Tough one.. but Raine St
Thanks for your advice.
Best is to ignore and
Generally, TNT will only
I mainly am the one