Well..they got me too D: [cookie grabbing rant/ QUESTIONS]-help? :P

Well.. This is more of a call for advice, because I have been CG'ed before and I'm sure that I won't lose very much. I was CG'ed yesterday, got signed out, but I signed back in and changed my password before anything happened and my account wasn't frozen for protection a LONG time after, after I went to bed at 10:30 (I was CG'ed at around 5) Between 5-10:30, I did everything normally and nothing went bizarre with my account. So basically, in my perfectly calm (but a bit disappointed) state, I just ahve a few questions. Can I do everything on my side as I would on my main for the time being? Is it safe to continue using my browser afte rhte cookie grabbing, or do I have to like..clean it out or w/e..get rid of a possible virus? And seeing that its Friday, when do you guys think I'll get my account back? Really bad timing because next week is March Break for me xD I get the whole week off. (:

Sorry to hear about your account. :( I would assume you can do everything on your side, as long as your main is frozen. As for getting your account back, it probably won't be til Monday, as it's almost the weekend. Good luck :) [color=#74BE04]Toys, Plushies and Usukis[/color] [color=#C4928C]» http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=twilight51492 «[/color]
[center] [color=#74BE04]» Luck «[/color] [color=#C4928C]» http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=twilight51492 «[/color] [/center]

[center] [font=verdana] Sorry about your account. Good Luck getting it back. Not sure about your question though, sorry! [br] ------------------------------------------------- http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=leelo513&misc [/font] [/center]
-------------------- http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=leelo513&misc

[center] People who get there accounts frozen/stolen often go on sides and get avies, play games, restock the shop, then get the account back and have to transfer the items/np.. If you are frozen, and if you can wait, I suggest play some other type of game until it is unfrozen. [b]Maller | Restocker | Avatar Collector | Graphic Artist [/b][br] [url=http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=obsolete_soldier&banner#i] [img]http://i49.tinypic.com/2r2sl5l.png[/img][/url] [/center]
______________________________________ [color=#303030]Get protection from Cookie Grabbers: /~Punchback_bob [/color]

Yepp, I did :D Made about 10k, LOL. I GOT MY ACCOUNT BACK. In like..3 HOURS .___. Fastest time ever, thanks guys for the support :D

OMGGG i went to my NF list and saw pandacat acc frozen I was like OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE MUST'VE GOTTEN FROZEN FOR TALKING TRASH TO THAT RESELLER ------------------------------- www.youtube.com/TKDJamesPakTKD Check out my Martial Arts samplers =)
------------------------------- www.youtube.com/TKDJamesPakTKD Check out my Martial Arts samplers =)

Only for talking trash to you James ;)

Well that was fast! Congrats!