Submitted by angel_shortcake on Tue, 16/03/2010 - 4:48pm
I was buying an item from someone selling off their gallery for 1m. They asked if I wanted to do a split trade or auction. I said auction. I then regretted it incase someone would out bid me, but the seller said that no one should (after it was already put up) because it's 1.5 in the TP and people wouldn't actually pay 1.5 for it. So that was fine, at the last few seconds, someone outbid me to 1.5. THEN then mailed me asking if I wanted to buy it off me for 1.5m. And I said "nope". They said "highest offer, i accidentally outbid you". Yeah right. You were just looking for an easy 500k. Well I'm not going to buy it off you, you're stuck with the item. I wanted it for my gallery. Ha. Have fun selling at a loss. (Hopefully)
angel_shortcake wrote:I
you should have replied
saudor wrote:you should
How would that be scammi
He let me buy it from hi
angel_shortcake wrote:I
saudor wrote:How would t