AARRGGHH!! C'mon neopets!! sort it out!!
Submitted by 555flame555 on Thu, 08/07/2010 - 9:38am
Sooooo Laggy today!!! Saw 18 gcfyp's in one rs, got one because took 4 minutes to load. I know everyone else is having the same problem. But why??????? Hey why??????
*signs petition* ..and s
evilbluemunkeyz wrote:It
Come to Novi Pier Imports
http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=cornstarch678&miscWhere Everyday is A Sale
Come to Novi Pier Imports
http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=cornstarch678&miscWhere Everyday is A Sale
I took the opportunity t
tell me about it! the la
evilbluemunkeyz wrote:It
Lag again for me.
nicholasy wrote:Lag agai
I'm getting some horrifi
Yea, they're playing a l
I think it's a sign. Ins