Submitted by forcefedup on Wed, 15/04/2009 - 6:35am
This seriously ALWAYS happens to me whenever stuff is going good! I priced my 40000, 17000, and 39000 dollar maps at ... get this ... 4000, 1700, and 3900, respectively. ARGH! I just threw 100k down the fricken drain I am SOOOO close to telling Neopets to shove it where the sun don't shine and just giving up on rebuilding altogether, because THAT WAS MY PROFITS FROM MY LAST FEW DAYS!!! :K:K:K:K
Ugh, sorry bud. I hate w
TCSybert wrote:Ugh, sorr
I know what I mean. I ha
TCSybert wrote:I know wh
yeah, but it takes just
TCSybert wrote:yeah, but
Yeah..... lol.
forcefedup wrote:TCSyber
Ouch, sorry
Sorry for that