Noob Mails

We need a new board :P From: [Username Removed] Wormy » Make this user your Neofriend Sent: 15/4/2009 07:40am Folder: Inbox Subject: Help! Message: [Report Message] Can I borrow your Super Pea so I can get the avatar?

[quote=gothsunprincess]This is the best one I've gotten in a while. Karma and a guilt trip all in one. [quote]HELP! plz i just go scammed really bad and i am trying to get back on my feet.... every bit of kindness makes the world a little brighter so donate if you can plz karma will come back to you one day my friend wrapped with ribbons of hope and joy, filled to the brim with a thousand good wishes. some people forget that neopets is about sharing, will you be one to forget?[/quote][/quote] LOL that made me laugh soooo hard, thats the best one ever

Do you have the draik one yet? Draik avvie? yeah lol

Whats the collateral? Suap is worth 700 mill - 1.2 bill now *lol*

[quote=5tar]Whats the collateral? Suap is worth 700 mill - 1.2 bill now *lol*[/quote] Not lending I guess? haha.

[quote=5tar]Whats the collateral? Suap is worth 700 mill - 1.2 bill now *lol*[/quote] That it is.. quite the investment for all those that bought it when it was much cheaper =D. I know very few people with enough to actually make full collat, and those that do are usually good enough and well connected enough to get lent for free XD

[quote=5tar][quote=gothsunprincess]This is the best one I've gotten in a while. Karma and a guilt trip all in one. [quote]HELP! plz i just go scammed really bad and i am trying to get back on my feet.... every bit of kindness makes the world a little brighter so donate if you can plz karma will come back to you one day my friend wrapped with ribbons of hope and joy, filled to the brim with a thousand good wishes. some people forget that neopets is about sharing, will you be one to forget?[/quote][/quote] LOL that made me laugh soooo hard, thats the best one ever[/quote] Me too! Hahah oh wow. That is amazing. "wrapped with ribbons of hope and joy, filled to the brim with a thousand good wishes" that brings begging to a whole new level! Poetic almost :P *lol* -------------------- Want to be part of a 4 Mil NB ad? Go Here: Are your pets hungry? Go Here:
-------------------- Want to be part of a 4 Mil NB ad? Go Here: Are your pets hungry? Go Here:

[quote=gothsunprincess]This is the best one I've gotten in a while. Karma and a guilt trip all in one. [quote]HELP! plz i just go scammed really bad and i am trying to get back on my feet.... every bit of kindness makes the world a little brighter so donate if you can plz karma will come back to you one day my friend wrapped with ribbons of hope and joy, filled to the brim with a thousand good wishes. some people forget that neopets is about sharing, will you be one to forget?[/quote][/quote] LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL *lol* *clap* _______________________________________________ Bugsy's GUIDE to Effective SHOPKEEPING and MALLING: Version 3: Learn More About Hut Positioning Edition
. _______________________________________________ Bugsy's GUIDE to Effective SHOPKEEPING and MALLING: Version 3: Learn More About Hut Positioning

The audacity of some.... [quote] [makana8777286] noah » Make this user your Neofriend Sent: 17/4/2009 07:33pm Folder: Begging Subject: give Message: [Report Message] can i have your fireball negg in your shop you just need to get it out of your shop and then where it says chosse an action prees give to neofriend and give it to me [/quote] As if in the past 7 years ( it's my neobirthday today w00t! :P ) I have never given an item to a nf. Not only did he have the audacity to ask for a free item that costs 38k ( which isn't too much in the grand scheme of things but still ), but he also had it in him to tell me how to do it like I was some kind of n00b... I replied asking why he thought he deserved to be given an item for free while the rest of us have to earn our way through neo.. he replied [quote] makana8777286 replied: [Report Message] YOU KNOW WHY BECAUSE ILL buy 1000 neopoints or more each and every day if i dont ill give you all of my stuff for free[/quote] Ahhhh people REALLY frustrate me sometimes. *angry*

And it was my second beggar of the day... although the first one was but a few hours old, and nice, and polite so I just helped her out. Showed her some easy games and gave her 2 neggs XD I tend to give away items to those that I feel like... *lol*

[quote]Sent: 10/4/2009 01:26pm Folder: Inbox Subject: petpet Message: [Report Message] hiii can you separtee me a bloop? [/quote] What does that even mean???? I love NOOB mail it makes me laugh!!
