Noob Mails

We need a new board :P From: [Username Removed] Wormy » Make this user your Neofriend Sent: 15/4/2009 07:40am Folder: Inbox Subject: Help! Message: [Report Message] Can I borrow your Super Pea so I can get the avatar?

[quote=gothsunprincess]Mine for the day. [quote]YOU ARE SO MEAN!! YOU PUT PETPETS IN GALLERYS?!?!?[/quote] Lovely how the person can only be contacted by neofriends. Granted I have no idea what I would send in response.[/quote] Yes, and then I light them on fire and watch them burn a slow, painful, pixelated death. :D Just cause I'm mean like that. ________________________________ Are you feeling lucky? Click Here!
________________________________ Are you feeling lucky? Click Here!

Not mail, but from my ad on the shop board. [quote] Post 1: wow not to be rude but talk about spamming. 6:31 pm [br]Post 2:ur like posting the same thing over and over again. 6:32 pm [br]Post 3: is this board like not working anymore? 6:44 pm [/quote] I didn't respond at all. People will call anything spam these days. And those that accuse others of spamming usually are the actual spammers themselves. *sigh*

[quote=gothsunprincess]Mine for the day. [quote]YOU ARE SO MEAN!! YOU PUT PETPETS IN GALLERYS?!?!?[/quote] Lovely how the person can only be contacted by neofriends. Granted I have no idea what I would send in response.[/quote] Well how else are you supposed to stop them from running away? *lol*

From: [sciencegeek_707] steve » Make this user your Neofriend Sent: 21/4/2009 02:41pm Folder: Inbox Subject: HELLO Message: [Report Message] hi i visited your store today and there was a lot of stuff but i didnt see any omlets those are very helpful and might get you a lot of money you might wan to think abou putting them in there

I forgot to add that I sell alot of omelletes. People are jus too impatient.

Subject: umm who r u? Message: [Report Message] r u the guy who made vids on utube confuzzled i dont remeber u accepting tho? nevrmind but r u?xoxo~Serena Hahahha

"Subject: MoRep Message: I really love her! I think i will make a royalgirl elphante too! And than i will paint her white!! Thats great!! I love Morep!! And your lookup!! And your other pets ." Should I neomail her back and let her know what colour hairdye I use and where I got my favourite shoes just in case there is anything else of mine that she will think is "great!!!"? Yes, Mo is very foxy for an Elephante. But the fanclub thing wigs me out. (These are my favourite shoes, no I don't think I am too old to wear shoes with kitties on them: ) ~~~ bête noire (bet-NWAHR) noun: An object or person that is particularly disliked or that is to be avoided
bête noire (bet-NWAHR) noun: An object or person that is particularly disliked or that is to be avoided

[quote=demirep77](These are my favourite shoes, no I don't think I am too old to wear shoes with kitties on them: )[/quote] Are you ever too old to do that? My favourite shoes have the lights on them as you walk.. I can't fit in them anymore, but that doesn't stop them from being my favourite.

Folder: Inbox Subject: Hey Message: [Report Message] I visit your shop alot! and bought something a few days ago! You have AWESOME pets.. lol Hi Im sasha,I am 16 years old and live in american samoa! I have a dog called alice,And two sisters Sally and Sarah. I play hockey and do horse-riding! Its my birthday today, and the best gift i got was: Purple Paint Brush! Can you tell me a little about you?

Sent: 19/4/2009 07:49pm Folder: Inbox Subject: ??? Message: [Report Message] where is the hidden towers?
bête noire (bet-NWAHR) noun: An object or person that is particularly disliked or that is to be avoided
