1NP baby paintbrushes & exceptionally funny n00b mails!1

Post exceptionally funny messages (not the typical kan i b ur nf???) from your ~1NP NF only auctions ~ here! (and your clever or mean replies if any :P ) regular/normal noob mail goes here: http://www.neomallers.com/node/430 [quote]Message: [Report Message] Hello. I saw your baby paint brush on the auctions, and I'd like for you to know that I am willing to give you one hundred np for it. You wrote: a WHOLE ONE HUNDRED NP??111 locorocopoco replied: [Report Message] um...yes...I can give you more if you want. You wrote: LYKE 1 NP MORE???!11217498374893728947832748923749823 locorocopoco replied: [Report Message] ...okay, are you making fun of me now? because I don't appreciate it... [/quote]

You have 9 events pending. holy what the heck. it was 0 when i last checked an hour ago (and i only had 1 over the night)
----------------------------- [color=purple]Protect your account[/color] http://www.neopets.com/~punchback_bob CG information & more

Events are good things *lol*

From: [hamsterpouches] HP » Make this user your Neofriend Sent: 21/4/2009 08:55am Folder: Inbox Subject: Offer Message: [Report Message] Hello! I sseee you have tons of items in you shop etc. Do you have anythig you could sell me for 25-35k?

[quote]melissaiscool11 wrote: hi can i be your neofriend u seem very nice ! You wrote:No my 1np paintbrushes seem very nice ;o melissaiscool11 replied: [Report Message] whats a 1 np[/quote]
----------------------------- [color=purple]Protect your account[/color] http://www.neopets.com/~punchback_bob CG information & more

lol ^^

From: [sirambhavana] sirambhavana » Make this user your Neofriend Sent: 22/4/2009 12:58am Folder: Inbox Subject: hello Message: [Report Message] may i be ur neofriend?

From: [melissaiscool11] Mely ) » Make this user your Neofriend Sent: 21/4/2009 07:25pm Folder: Inbox Subject: hi! Message: [Report Message] hi can i be your neofriend :) u seem very nice ! :)

From: [pepoolive] pepoolive » Make this user your Neofriend Sent: 21/4/2009 05:15pm Folder: Inbox Subject: Guild Message: [Report Message] Hey I found your guild through guild search. I was wondering if I could join it? Thanks so much, Jeremy

From: [matty_luff] Matty » Make this user your Neofriend Sent: 21/4/2009 03:58pm Folder: Inbox Subject: Random Chat Message: [Report Message] I like your pets and your username :)

From: [raspberry_delight] Natalie » Make this user your Neofriend Sent: 21/4/2009 03:49pm Folder: Inbox Subject: HELLO Message: [Report Message] Can you add me as a neofriend I want to buy one of your auctions that is only for neofriends. I will offer you 5,000 NP for the baby paint brush or 10,000 if 5,000 is to little
