1NP baby paintbrushes & exceptionally funny n00b mails!1

Post exceptionally funny messages (not the typical kan i b ur nf???) from your ~1NP NF only auctions ~ here! (and your clever or mean replies if any :P ) regular/normal noob mail goes here: http://www.neomallers.com/node/430 [quote]Message: [Report Message] Hello. I saw your baby paint brush on the auctions, and I'd like for you to know that I am willing to give you one hundred np for it. You wrote: a WHOLE ONE HUNDRED NP??111 locorocopoco replied: [Report Message] um...yes...I can give you more if you want. You wrote: LYKE 1 NP MORE???!11217498374893728947832748923749823 locorocopoco replied: [Report Message] ...okay, are you making fun of me now? because I don't appreciate it... [/quote]

does any one have 1np paintbrushes

[quote=_cowboys82_]does any one have 1np paintbrushes[/quote] just a warning, you won't last a minute on this site acting like that. We don't give stuff away for free.

[quote=killercars5000][quote=_cowboys82_]does any one have 1np paintbrushes[/quote] just a warning, you won't last a minute on this site acting like that. We don't give stuff away for free.[/quote] yeah killers is right. We brutally make fun of people who beg.
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lol i got a lot of mails for nf request since i did the baby pb auctions too XD im not sure if this message is common, but this mail in particular made me laugh "me and my friends are having a neofriends competition and whoever gets the most neofriends this hour wins! so can you be my neofriend?" *lol* getting very creative... :/

that neofriend competition is classic. if you link them to newbie chat, they say it has to be rich people lolol
----------------------------- [color=purple]Protect your account[/color] http://www.neopets.com/~punchback_bob CG information & more

I am totally going to put somthing up for 1np and NF only, just so I can get n00b mails. I am just a lonley, cruel person. Emma emmasocute130
I sell food and maps. http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=skullsprite

I put a speckled pb up for 1np nf only just to see how many neomails I would get, and so far in one hour 2 neomails ans 12 friend requests

"Hi, well i was wondering if you would like to be my neofriend cause i don't have that many and the few that i do have, none of them are boys and all the boys that i have tried all seem like idiots. If you say no then i won't be offended don't worry (well i will be offended just a bit but then so would most people i think).But please don't say no just because I'm a girl cause i think that is over all very fair but it's your choice. PolishPearl :-)" i replied, "im not a boy, im a girl. thanks and bye." sorry i was mean but i couldnt help it *lol*

i love all of these :)

Hi I'm new
