First maller that pissed me of in neo!

I made a recruit board yesterday for books... I had one guy called unfreeze_myday who asked for the spot... He told me just came back from taking a long break of neo so he says... Had no items in his shop but he told me he would stock his shop later on today.... So i went to work got a mail from another person who actually stocks books, has a wonderfull book catalogue thingy and is very active... Jerry and I thought it was best to decide to go with that person as he has the expierence.... We mailed unfreeze_myday asap before he stocked any items but it was too late, he stocked ONLY 3 pages and heres the mail: unfreeze_myday wrote: Hey, 5tar, ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm could have told me before i bought 3 pages worth of books? how un-professional. telling me i have the spot then getting another? Over 1 million np spent grats, you make me sick I wrote: We tried malling you asap. We all live in different time zones for starters and 1 mill for 3 pages of books? ea book worth average of 1000 nps ea, times 80 a page times 3 pages, thats 240K. Look where sorry your angry but writing something negative in your shop about us would only fall in the harrasment catergory and wish you luck (Yup when I say something negative in his shop, look what he wrote) No longer joining malls since they seem to think asking you to join, stocking your shop then removing you is just a "everyday" occurrence... I would like to remind any of my shoppers that malls are OVER PRICED and RIP YOU OFF. This is especially true for the NEOBOUTIQUE MALL. These guys are SCAM artists. Be warned. lol epic fail cupcake,

Well, I suppose I can see both sides of it *unsure* He certainly shouldn't have written anything in his shop, that's seriously ugly, but on the other hand, I'd be upset too if I were told I got the spot, got all excited, went and bought several pages worth of items, only to be told, sorry we're giving it to someone else.

I see both sides too but I work 65 hours a week and we all live in different time zones, If he understood that I would be more then happy to repay him for the books which he paid which is around 240K

Well, I totally agree with you going with the person that will do a better job, don't get me wrong there. I can just understand this other person being upset too, especially if he was told the spot was his already. I'm not saying that how he is handling being upset is right, all I'm saying is I see WHY he is upset. *snugs* Hope it all works out for you

Thanks Nicole

I see why he's upset, but that's no reason to over react the way he did. I don't blame you for going with a better shop, I would have done the same. 3 pages isn't even a big deal. He could easily sell that off or join another mall. No need to get all huffy about it the way he did, lol.

What a baby. But yeah, giving the spot to another isnt really good though. A good way to avoid this is to recruit for about 3-5 days and then decide.
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I can see both sides, and understand the time zone thing. But when I was a mall manger *before stepping down for family issues) anytime I had an opening and someone came to me asking to fill it but had none of that category stocked, I asked/made sure they had a supply to start stocking immediately as soon as I add them to the mall. If not, then I'd ask how long before they were ready to stock their shop. If it was over a day/day and a half, I'd politely reply that you're looking for someone ready to go out of the gate (unless I've got time before the spot is truly open - because someone is leaving and given me notice). Just my nickel here. :D But how he reacted is totally not cool.
The Anti-Marketplace shop for your Clothing, Grooming and Wearables shop. Also selling Fire and Air Faerie Quest items.

Thanks guys for the tips :* BUT!!! Now this had gotten to my nerves: unfreeze_myday - DO NOT BUY FROM NEOBOUTIQUE MALL [Report this message] 1,000,000 Posting this to alert all users of the Notice Board to NOT buy from the NEOBOUTIQUE MALL, they are overpriced. That is all. ( 1mil for an add is better imo than 1mil in wasted books, good day ) unfreeze_myday replied: [Report Message] I'm sorry :* ( i put up a 1 million notice board add saying how sorry i was.

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I hope it will be _unfreeze_unfreeze_myday soon *lol*
