Who wants to play SPOT THE CHEATER?

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1434neopets's picture
Last seen: 12 years 5 months ago
Joined: 15/03/2009 - 2:15am
[quote=Dmitri]Yeah they make it so obvious. But then again, cheaters arent too bright to begin with lol here's a couple more: http://www.neomallers.com/uploads/_SCREENSHOTS/9898_i31313/tigatron_admits_multy.jpg http://www.neomallers.com/uploads/_SCREENSHOTS/9898_i31313/cheatermulti.gif This one's not a cheater but still gives me a chuckle every now and then :P http://www.neomallers.com/uploads/_SCREENSHOTS/9898_i31313/t_d_bear2.jpg[/quote] Yeah. The last one is a good guy. He just create multiple threads too often. I miss my 1000 deals... (".)
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saudor's picture
Last seen: 1 day 42 min ago
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heh when i questioned him about it - he said he creates multiple threads since bumping is spamming and against the rules lol
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xcccinnamonlipsx's picture
Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
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In regards to the players in the first post, they were frozen last night. There was a board, but the posts have been deleted...apparently all the accounts in the family got frozen except the son, he was quite irate and posting on the boards, etc. [center][color=#106836]want [/color][color=#0E803F]a [/color][color=#0C9748]petpet [/color][color=#0BAE52]for [/color][color=#09C55B]your [/color][color=#07DD64]pet? [/color] http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=xcccinnamonlipsx [/center]
[center][color=#106836]want [/color][color=#0E803F]a [/color][color=#0C9748]petpet [/color][color=#0BAE52]for [/color][color=#09C55B]your [/color][color=#07DD64]pet? [/color] http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=xcccinnamonlipsx [/center]
demirep77's picture
Last seen: 14 years 3 months ago
Joined: 27/03/2009 - 8:10am
When last night? And were they -really- different people? If they are different people, maybe they were frozen for playing on each others accounts, since those two accounts had near identical games played and scores. What was the name of the son?
bête noire (bet-NWAHR) noun: An object or person that is particularly disliked or that is to be avoided
temps_bons's picture
Last seen: 13 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 10/04/2009 - 10:58pm
This guy is just making it too easy for TNT to freeze him -- read his info on his userlookup: http://www.neopets.com/userlookup.phtml?user=doo_doo_on_a_stick _____________________________________________________ ~ Mimi's Ménagerie Avatars ~ http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=temps_bons&misc
~ Mimi ~ http://www.neopets.com/~Amyrilli
1434neopets's picture
Last seen: 12 years 5 months ago
Joined: 15/03/2009 - 2:15am
[quote=Dmitri]heh when i questioned him about it - he said he creates multiple threads since bumping is spamming and against the rules lol[/quote] Huh. Really? I should neomail him about this then. I personally asked TNT about it and they emailed back saying that bumping is only against the rules if it is done every 1-3 minutes. Other than that, it is alright. Excessive bumping can be done if the intervals between posts are more than 5 minutes.
WOW! Selling: Maps, Neggs, Stamps, Coins, Cards, ETC! http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=1434sweet#p
xcccinnamonlipsx's picture
Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
Joined: 18/04/2009 - 11:26am
[quote=demirep77]When last night? And were they -really- different people? If they are different people, maybe they were frozen for playing on each others accounts, since those two accounts had near identical games played and scores. What was the name of the son?[/quote] Here's the thread: http://www.neopets.com/neoboards/topic.phtml?topic=136278341&next=101 Starts end of page 5/beginning of page 6. A Charter accidentally mispriced an item in the auctions and people were helping bump the price back up...binkiejean & one of her kids were talking about combining their NP to have enough to bump the auction...but then apparently they also had some of the accounts on the same e-mail... It's hard to explain, I wish the posts hadn't been deleted but yeah. Who knows. :( [center][color=#106836]want [/color][color=#0E803F]a [/color][color=#0C9748]petpet [/color][color=#0BAE52]for [/color][color=#09C55B]your [/color][color=#07DD64]pet? [/color] http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=xcccinnamonlipsx [/center]
[center][color=#106836]want [/color][color=#0E803F]a [/color][color=#0C9748]petpet [/color][color=#0BAE52]for [/color][color=#09C55B]your [/color][color=#07DD64]pet? [/color] http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=xcccinnamonlipsx [/center]
saudor's picture
Last seen: 1 day 42 min ago
Joined: 10/06/2007 - 12:30pm
Same email arghh. It's not like emails cost anything nowadays =/
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xcccinnamonlipsx's picture
Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
Joined: 18/04/2009 - 11:26am
LOL yeah, I know. The son said the mom & dad had e-mailed TNT asking if it was okay to have the kids' accounts on their e-mails because they were too young to have their own, and they were apparently told by TNT that this was okay... Honestly, who knows? :P [center][color=#106836]want [/color][color=#0E803F]a [/color][color=#0C9748]petpet [/color][color=#0BAE52]for [/color][color=#09C55B]your [/color][color=#07DD64]pet? [/color] http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=xcccinnamonlipsx [/center]
[center][color=#106836]want [/color][color=#0E803F]a [/color][color=#0C9748]petpet [/color][color=#0BAE52]for [/color][color=#09C55B]your [/color][color=#07DD64]pet? [/color] http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=xcccinnamonlipsx [/center]
six's picture
Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago
Joined: 12/06/2009 - 7:30pm
What do you guys think of this current high score for Hasee Bounce??? High Scores mama3000000: 5,908 ren_boy: 1,279 salva_101: 917
