Are the smaller non notice board mall really worth it in the end?

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o00lost00o's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
Joined: 19/05/2010 - 5:02am
Are the smaller non notice board mall really worth it in the end?
After asking around and checking my counter, i feel that maybe there not.. bellow is some of what i have found.. 1: in a week i get on average 9 hits from the mall banner, 300 from shop wiz, and 150 from advertising on neoboards (i use the &nb on the end of my neo signature link as i dont have a notice board add) 2: i worked out that each customer spends 11012Np each time they shop. took a guess that %30 of visitors from the mall may stop and buy, witch makes on average 30k sales a week from the mall.. 3:after running a few polls asking for mall banner feed back, on many different boards, i have found that most people ignore the banners, and a small amount will skip your shop all together, but fewer still will click and have a look.. Most people stick to the shop wiz and will sometimes stay and shop at a place were they have wized a bargain.. So does this mean if your not spending 4mill for a NB add and arn't shop size ridiculous that malls are no good? is there a factor I'm missing? am i in the wrong mall lol? thanks for reading my dribble!
o00lost00o's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
Joined: 19/05/2010 - 5:02am
P.S just to let you know these are my opinions worked out from my data, in no way a generalization.. on and i do neohome and garden.
Beholder's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 06/12/2009 - 9:16pm
If you are getting 9 hits a week from your mall, I'd say it's time to join a different mall. However, most good malls also require a high shop size, so it goes hand in hand. Some people can get 50 mall hits a day, it just depends. I get around 5 mall hits a day and I'm only a seasonal shop, so it's to be expected. If you're a big category, like food or books, your likely to get many more mall hits. Things to remember: -A category like paint brushes will get a lot of mall hits, but not many sales. -If you're in a main market mall you're hits will increase dramatically, as I mentioned. So ultimately it would be wise to get a large shop. -People that shop through malls are usually newbies and probably haven't found the wizard yet. -4mil neoboard ads are not always worth it. You may pay 250k an ad (usually for a mall) and only earn back a fraction of it; but when you're at the top of the board you can easily get 20 hits from it. I'd say nb ads are really for getting your shop out there and known. (at least for me, anyway) But to answer your question, yes malls are worth it. If they weren't, they wouldn't be around, now would they? :P EDIT: I read you're question wrong I believe. If your asking whether small malls are worth it, in my opinion I would say no. Of course they are good when you have a smaller shop size, but when you upgrade your shop you also should upgrade malls. Smaller malls often just aren't established enough and don't have much...seniority. Hope I helped. XD
phrawst's picture
Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
Joined: 10/04/2009 - 10:52am
I say that 4m ads are pointless if you're a good shopkeeper. If you advertise (which you do! 150 a week from neoboards thats great!) you're better off to just pocket that 250k+ fee that you would have to pay! :D I haven't been in a 4m ad for a long time and I do just fine :) Training & Luck:
kazzey_happy_bubble's picture
Last seen: 13 years 5 months ago
Joined: 04/08/2009 - 8:02am
Great Post! Lots of people wonder the same things, well atleast I have.
Oh look bubbles!!!
bugsybogis's picture
Last seen: 11 years 1 month ago
Joined: 17/04/2008 - 7:07am
[quote] but when you're at the top of the board you can easily get 20 hits from it. [/quote] Nice input but I disagree with this part. Ever since we were on the first page, I keep getting at least 20 hits everyday and increasing as we go on top, so I believe mine is going well. Still wondering how many hits I could get when I am top of the NB ad. Ill keep you posted. :P _______________________________________________ Bugsy's GUIDE to Effective SHOPKEEPING and MALLING: Version 3: Learn More About Hut Positioning
. _______________________________________________ Bugsy's GUIDE to Effective SHOPKEEPING and MALLING: Version 3: Learn More About Hut Positioning
cerberus_neo's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 1 hour ago
Joined: 09/06/2009 - 12:05pm
Provided you find it enjoyable to be a part of a mall, then I'd say yes, it's worth the effort, even pre-Marketplace. If your mall has no NB fees, then it's not costing you a thing to be in it, therefore meaning every extra hit you get from the mall is an extra hit you wouldn't have had on your own. There are, however, quite a few factors that can affect how much you're benefiting from your mall. First, the quality of your mall comes into play. If it's not being managed in any serious manner and half the shops end up being empty, are grossly overpriced or dropped the banner as a whole, then there isn't much of a point in sticking around. If they aren't getting much exposure, neither will you through the banner. Even the newer Neopets players know to recognize a notoriously bad shop and won't stick around to check the mall's other categories. There are plenty of good Pre-Marketplace malls out there for you to choose from, such as the Preschool from the Nursery Malls for example. If you feel as though your mall isn't right for you, have a look at the mall openings on this website =) Then there's your category. Some are more popular than others and thus will draw more people's attention on a mall banner. If you're doing a more obscure category, such as school or music for example, it may explain why your mall hits are rather disappointing. If you find yourself unhappy with the constraints of being in a mall, then perhaps you could try being an independent shop for a while. You'll lose the mall hits but gain the opportunity to stock whatever you like in your shop. In this case, stick to popular items and try to either RS from main shops and snipe deals on the Shop Wizard. ..::Cerbie's Sweets & Bakery::..
Beholder's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 06/12/2009 - 9:16pm
[quote=bugsybogis][quote] but when you're at the top of the board you can easily get 20 hits from it. [/quote] Nice input but I disagree with this part. Ever since we were on the first page, I keep getting at least 20 hits everyday and increasing as we go on top, so I believe mine is going well. Still wondering how many hits I could get when I am top of the NB ad. Ill keep you posted. :P _______________________________________________ Bugsy's GUIDE to Effective SHOPKEEPING and MALLING: Version 3: Learn More About Hut Positioning[/quote] Hmm, well it's probably my category then. Seasonal shop isn't the most popular. But nonetheless, nb ads are a nice way to gain hits. :P
vw1282's picture
Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
Joined: 10/04/2010 - 7:06pm
[font=verdana]I get maybe average 4-5 hits from mall daily. Never anything big. I'm not in a MM branch and I'm in the lowest branch of the Nursery Malls actually but they're still awesome people and most are way over the shop size 100 minimum (i.e. zixi at 500 something). But it's summer so there's lots more people on Neo and the Collectables button on our mall banner is the first one.. so I guess that's how I get hits. If the collectables button was somewhere in the middle of the banner, I'll probably be only getting 1 or 2 mall hits daily. And on the notice boards, I can't/won't afford being on page 1 or 2.. I post an ad on page 6. Because if one doesn't press the "Next>" button but instead presses the ">>>" button which is conveniently right next to the next button then it'll go to page 6 instead of page 2. That gets more hits than posting on page 5.. as my records show. [/font][center]- - - - - x - - - - - x - - - - - x - - - - - x - - - - - [font=verdana][b]User Lookup[/b] [u][url][/url][/u] [/font] [/center]
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saudor's picture
Last seen: 2 days 9 hours ago
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tent lover brian spammed the last page last year when malling was still good and he only got 20 hits. around the same time, i posted an xmart nb ad, got to the first page top and got well over 500 nb hits im guessing the ratio still remains the same ----------------------------- [color=purple]Contrary to popular belief, the Irish and I are not married[/color]
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mizleah's picture
Last seen: 7 years 8 months ago
Joined: 17/08/2009 - 7:48am
No, malls are still good for hits, but mostly only the main market ones and some of the very active and well-organised mini-malls. I get around 100 mall hits everyday, a couple more when I'm in a better hut position and during weekends. :P I think 4mil NB ads depends a lot on your cateogry. Dmitri got 500 hits, but I only get around 80-100 hits on peak day. I sell petpets by the way.
