Neopets Filters Stink!

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temps_bons's picture
Last seen: 12 years 12 months ago
Joined: 10/04/2009 - 10:58pm
Neopets Filters Stink!
Has anyone seen this Neopets message before? *RAWR* CHAIN LETTERS ARE BAD Please do not post chain letters on Neopets. It annoys people, wastes their time, and clogs up our database so the site is slower for everybody. None of these chain letters EVER come true - nobody is going to be healed, made rich, given items or anything no matter HOW many times you post. You have attempted to post 1 chain letter(s) now. We are watching... We have determined that your message contains inappropriate words or profanity. To re-assess your message, please hit your back button and look at it again. If you believe this block is incorrect, please submit your message for review by clicking on the submit button below. Please note, abuse of this system will result in a warning or freezing of your account. Here is the text of the neomail I was trying to send: Awesome! It's weird isn't it that if I put good items at 1np I look generous but if I put an item way under SW price I look stupid, LOL! I will definitely try this. After every 1/2 price day I clear my SDB (that's what I'm doing right now, had 1100 items/3500 qty). My children haven't gotten the packrat avvie so I'm sending a lot to them and will 1 np the rest. As for the packrat avvie: I wish I'd had a counter when I had my packrat sale! I made a board and honestly as fast as I could put items in my shop they sold. I would price, update, and 25 would be missing! I started out buying junky items but then realized that I was going to sell this stuff or donate it. I was building my shop then so I didn't buy all junk and just kept one of everything I ever stocked in my shop. I made quite a profit after I got my avvie and was able to upgrade my shop quite a few times. I also emptied my gallery, neohome, neodeck and closet into my SDB -- duh! I couldn't believe how much that helped. Okay, back to hustling, :) Have a great day! ~M Chain letter: huh? Offensive word(s): stupid?? hustling?? Should I submit it so they can see how stupid their filters are or should I just let it go because they will freeze me? And why can't they give us a list of offensive words and other specific rules? I am terrified of getting my account frozen so I'd love to know exactly what to avoid...
killercars5000's picture
Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
Joined: 28/02/2009 - 11:59am
ROFL gotta love filters :P
Pip's picture
Last seen: 11 years 3 months ago
Joined: 19/02/2009 - 5:36pm
Yikes I'm sorry that happened to you. I don't see anything bad with your message. Honestly I wouldn't worry about getting frozen, its only one time this happened so I doubt they will freeze you. I think most bad words are blocked and it might be a bad idea if TNT made a list because that could corrupt the minors :P
Spare a CC vote please? :*
angelontatteredwings's picture
Last seen: 13 years 1 month ago
Joined: 16/04/2009 - 7:59pm
I've had this happen to me twice now... I was too scared to send it in the first time for the same reason, but by the second time I was upset and sent it for review because I was scared that I might get frozen if they thought I was sending chain mail multiple times. That was a long while ago now and I still haven't been frozen (knock on wood) I would suggest just letting it go unless it happens again, I'm not sure if they would consider either of the words that you mentioned offensive. Mine never contained anything even questionable.
temps_bons's picture
Last seen: 12 years 12 months ago
Joined: 10/04/2009 - 10:58pm
I know in my guild we cannot post any messages with apostrophies (e.g. that's) or we get blocked with a message with a meerca on it. It took us about a week to figure that out so I would just like to know if anyone has figured out any quirks like that in their filtering system. Like why did they think that was a chain letter? What word or combo of words made their filter think that? So strange. The only reason I care is because sometime I lose a lot of typing when this happens and I hate having to retype a message -- it's never as good the second time. Most of the time I can use the back button on IE or FF (if I use the Neo button they say to use to review it the text disappears). ~ Mimi (Please read my Guest Book: Requesting Guide Help) _____________________________________________________ Mimi's Ménagerie: Healthy Tastes Good Here!
~ Mimi ~
Dennis_Anderson's picture
Last seen: 14 years 11 months ago
Joined: 18/01/2009 - 3:47pm
Filters are the bane of my existence on Neo. In guild I have to type with absolutely no grammar at all or else I have inappropriate words. I guess this works fine for TNT's target audience, but with the real audience it's rather annoying. I prefer to use my punctuation.
melaka's picture
Last seen: 10 years 9 months ago
Joined: 26/10/2007 - 2:10pm
That's weird. I have no idea why they would think that's a chain letter. Maybe something to do with all the numbers in it? And I agree, the apostrophe thing in guilds is annoying. What's even weirder is that sometimes they go through. Someone told me they will work if you have an even number of apostrophes in your post, but that doesn't always work for me. So, I use the mark ` (top of keyboard before the 1 key) instead of an apostrophe when I want to post on guild boards.
temps_bons's picture
Last seen: 12 years 12 months ago
Joined: 10/04/2009 - 10:58pm
[quote=Dennis_Anderson]Filters are the bane of my existence on Neo. In guild I have to type with absolutely no grammar at all or else I have inappropriate words. I guess this works fine for TNT's target audience, but with the real audience it's rather annoying. I prefer to use my punctuation.[/quote] I have often wondered if it was the correct English I was writing that was deemed inappropriate content! LOL! I have definitely noticed that the more time I spend typing and thinking about what I'm writing the more likely it will get banned so I regularly select all, copy then press send, how sad! ~ Mimi (Please read my Guest Book: Requesting Guide Help) _____________________________________________________ Mimi's Ménagerie: Healthy Tastes Good Here!
~ Mimi ~
temps_bons's picture
Last seen: 12 years 12 months ago
Joined: 10/04/2009 - 10:58pm
[quote=melaka]That's weird. I have no idea why they would think that's a chain letter. Maybe something to do with all the numbers in it? And I agree, the apostrophe thing in guilds is annoying. What's even weirder is that sometimes they go through. Someone told me they will work if you have an even number of apostrophes in your post, but that doesn't always work for me. So, I use the mark ` (top of keyboard before the 1 key) instead of an apostrophe when I want to post on guild boards.[/quote] That is a super helpful hint about the ` mark because sometimes it's just confusing or sounds weird if you don't use an apostrophy. That's awesome is so much cooler than That is awesome! :P ~ Mimi (Please read my Guest Book: Requesting Guide Help) _____________________________________________________ Mimi's Ménagerie: Healthy Tastes Good Here!
~ Mimi ~
temps_bons's picture
Last seen: 12 years 12 months ago
Joined: 10/04/2009 - 10:58pm
ERROR : Do not send messages containing profanity, sexual terms, or other inappropriate content (including religion, politics, cheats, hacks, and password scams) on Neopets! Do not use your browser's "back" button. Please use the "back" button below. My message: Sorry you were so early to your exam...LOL! That is not as bad as the two times I have taken the kids to school this year when there was no school that was a snow day (we did not have any snow so I had no idea) and the other was a day early from spring break. LOL! I guess I was ready for them to go back to school, huh? *red faced* WHAT ON EARTH? I cannot find a thing wrong with my ~ Mimi (Please read my Guest Book: Requesting Guide Help) _____________________________________________________ Mimi's Ménagerie: Healthy Tastes Good Here!
~ Mimi ~
Dennis_Anderson's picture
Last seen: 14 years 11 months ago
Joined: 18/01/2009 - 3:47pm
I got blocked the other day for saying: "A neoboard pen is...." The "pen is" got it blocked... *unsure*
