Lot of Extra 4 Million Ads

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slackgeek's picture
Last seen: 14 years 1 month ago
Joined: 26/12/2008 - 4:57pm
I think what draws people to it is the fact that you don't necessarily have to have a huge shop to get on a good ad. Truth be told... the smaller ads don't do much. Right? I mean if you are in a mall and you are 4, 5, or more pages in, how many people really click through to get to that? Probably not a lot. I am on a smaller mall ad and I get okay sales from it, but not great. And for shops that aren't main market (like mine, which is close - 425 - but not close enough), I can't get into a main market mall so there's no other way to participate in these large ads. I like my mall and I look forward to eventually (hopefully) move up in it and be main market and be on a 4mil ad through my mall, but for now I have no choice. And it's that way for a lot of people. Look at some of the shops that are on these ads! Shop sizes 200 and smaller, even! But they still get the same opportunity as the rest. On a side note, I get almost as many hits from my mall members as from the NB ads. Today = 13 from mall & 18 from NB. Yesterday? 14 from mall and 10 from NB.
bsmith97's picture
Last seen: 11 years 3 months ago
Joined: 18/04/2009 - 3:45pm
Lots of good feed back here. I think with people that are in ads, truth be told, it is different for everyone as everyone plays the game differently. Some stock differently, some markup prices different, some advertise differently, some increase their shop size differently. All of these things play a factor. I think being in any ad, regardless of the size of the ad, brings on more business as this is getting your name out there. I was in a top mall before where we did only 1 million ads and my shop did just as well as being in a 4 million ad. Another thing that hasn't really been talked about category. The category you have can also make a lot of difference. For instance a 1000 neopoint shop can only make so much profit from mark ups as it is a 1000 nps shop. Someone with a different category can take an item and mark is up and even double the price to make more neopoints. All of these things come into play when malling and being in ads. Someone mentioned huts. This can also be a factor in bring in more business by staying at the top of your hut. This can gets your shop more visibility. Something that a lot of people miss for free advertising is trades. If you are having items in your trades with what your category, this is like free advertising advertising for your shop. People want to see more. Give them a great selection for the category you are carrying! Being top ad on a weekend can definitely give you a great day but at the same time, having a great day may or may not be what you are looking for. Some enjoy having a steady pace all week long. Some like to have a big day then spend the rest of the week restocking for the next big day. If you are in an ad, regardless of the size of the ad, if the ad has given you the results you are looking for then stick with it. If not, there are many ads in a group and many individual ads that you can place on your on. No matter what you decide, the important thing is to have fun:) If you can learn a few new tricks along the way, share a few tidbits of your own and make a few new friends, well then it has been a good day!!!
A Simple Thank You Goes a Long Way!
ladytaelorae's picture
Last seen: 11 years 7 months ago
Joined: 29/03/2009 - 2:19am
[quote=bsmith97]Lots of good feed back here. I think with people that are in ads, truth be told, it is different for everyone as everyone plays the game differently. Some stock differently, some markup prices different, some advertise differently, some increase their shop size differently. All of these things play a factor. I think being in any ad, regardless of the size of the ad, brings on more business as this is getting your name out there. I was in a top mall before where we did only 1 million ads and my shop did just as well as being in a 4 million ad. Another thing that hasn't really been talked about category. The category you have can also make a lot of difference. For instance a 1000 neopoint shop can only make so much profit from mark ups as it is a 1000 nps shop. Someone with a different category can take an item and mark is up and even double the price to make more neopoints. All of these things come into play when malling and being in ads. Someone mentioned huts. This can also be a factor in bring in more business by staying at the top of your hut. This can gets your shop more visibility. Something that a lot of people miss for free advertising is trades. If you are having items in your trades with what your category, this is like free advertising advertising for your shop. People want to see more. Give them a great selection for the category you are carrying! Being top ad on a weekend can definitely give you a great day but at the same time, having a great day may or may not be what you are looking for. Some enjoy having a steady pace all week long. Some like to have a big day then spend the rest of the week restocking for the next big day. If you are in an ad, regardless of the size of the ad, if the ad has given you the results you are looking for then stick with it. If not, there are many ads in a group and many individual ads that you can place on your on. No matter what you decide, the important thing is to have fun:) If you can learn a few new tricks along the way, share a few tidbits of your own and make a few new friends, well then it has been a good day!!![/quote] I totally agree! I wonder if being in a 4mil group compared to a 1mil makes a different on visits thou? Is it better to be in a mall that does 4mil nbs or one that does NBs even if they are lower? Clothing, Grooming, Wearables & Backgrounds~ http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=ladytaelorae
Neo-Home & Garden ~ http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=ladytaelorae
