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irisheyez's picture
Last seen: 10 years 8 months ago
Joined: 04/09/2007 - 1:03am
ahem, I refuse to let you bait me, on yet another topic lol :P
nioe_yemar's picture
Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
Joined: 04/06/2009 - 10:44pm
*hugs Dmitri and the mods* A few things I'd like to say.... Mamawfl, how would you like to step into Dmitri's shoes for one day, just ONE day, and see everything that he has to do, and reply to. Might the site crash for that day, cause you wouldn't know where the hell to even begin. Real nice to show how mature you are, being 60 and all, by posting this on a FREE site (as others have said.) At the least, he could charge us $8.99 a month and get away with it, and have Premium for himself for forever. I know they say to respect your elders, but I live by the rule respect is given once respect is shown, and CLEARLY you haven't done that. (I had a comment about the $8.99 a month thing but I'm not too sure it's appropriate!! *lol*) And seriously, does anybody stop to think about the tutorials? No, because they think "Oh, I know how to do everything on a computer/internet, why in the world would I need a tutorial?", but then when they come rushing to the forums about a simple question that has already been answered in the tutorial/help pages, they wonder why people get easily irritated/mad at them. Just READ the damn things, okay? I am the leader/manager of my own mall, and you have no idea how many mails I get from members/potential members asking where something is, when I have a navigation page and everything is clearly labeled, (in my opinion, anyway) so it does get a little bit frustrating for me to have to answer these questions over and over again. Now imagine what Dmitri has to go through, everyday, running his own site. -.- *I* personally would NEVER be able to do it, I get fed up enough with the questions from my mall members; I have NO IDEA how he can keep up with the site, the forums, and all of the n00b questions that come to him each day. I would personally have shot several people already. I respect him for not doing just that, and acting nice (most of the time :P). And also, if you don't explain everything that is wrong, how do you expect Dmitri (or anyone else for that matter) to help you/fix it? Oh, and Goobabe has always been annoying when it comes to asking the same questions/being patient. Don't mind her. :P *takes deep breath* Just my two cents, if anybody digresses feel free to do so. :D
[url]http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=nioe_yemar&NB[/url] - Nioe's Emporium of Medicine and Cures! :* [url]http://www.neopets.com/~Fiylayla[/url] - Join Rainbow Fields Mall!
kirsty_to_stay's picture
Last seen: 8 years 8 months ago
Joined: 22/04/2008 - 8:01am
I'll be baited :O Saudor used to be a goat right? Haha true stuff Bob, but I more meant the bringing this in public in the first place, and then all the capslock thing going on.
___________ Kirsty aka "the sensitive one" Silverdragon siggy stealer Tasty tent seller
MAMAWFL's picture
Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
Joined: 11/09/2008 - 10:42am
[quote=Dmitri]Ok here's my two cents on this matter. 1. Running this site is harder than it seem/looks. On the outside, it appears to be a simple counter service with some random forum hosted on some random domain name. But inside, you gotta watch out for security (in addition to the initial planning and then coding it in a manner that provides the fastest and most lightest database queries). A site with a bunch of security exploits isnt gonna keep its members and then you'd end up with pissed off people complaining how someone CGed their account via this site. Then you gotta watch out for glitches within the site that might cause things to not run properly. On top of that, every computer handles things different, which means, even it works perfectly on my computer, it works crappy on another. I.E. Portal 6 worked perfectly on English OS's but crapped out on UK operating systems because their decimal system is slightly different from the U.S. [b]Summary: [/b] It means I'm always busy poking around, patching things up, keeping ahead of attempted hack attempts, etc. 2.) Because many people have different areas and varying degrees of "guesswork", I've taken extra time to write up and upload a tutorial (now including a video), complete with graphics in a step-by-step form. The forums are also here too to reduce the workload in 1.) and act as a knowledgebase where users can search for similar solutions to their problems. Now, how would you feel if as soon as someone had a tiny bit if trouble, they'd resort to instantly mailing the admin asking for help, especially when it's a simple question that can be answered by just scrolling down (the all famous, how do i paste my counter code into my ship question) It's right on the page. It's bold. It's big. And as a bonus, there's a tutorial for it too. Wouldnt you be like "WTF, I JUST WROTE A GOD DAMN TUTORIAL FOR IT?" Now you might say, "well it only takes 5 seconds to answer. Take a chill pill sheesh", try having many users asking that same question (or another very simple question) on a daily basis, both on neopets (which by the way, it's against the rules to post offsite links, so things like 'where do i get the counter code' are harder to answer) and here. Then you get those people where you spend 20 minutes holding their hand and taking them step by step through the pages (basically what the tutorials are supposed to do), and what do they do? they decide not to use it afterall. Congrats, 20 minutes down the toilet. Not even a "thanks for the time" either. And because this site has so many members and gains about 15-30 a day, alot of the same stuff happens all the time, endlessly and thus i get irritated from time to time with the "Not this again" scenario, especially after an hour or two of fiddling around with a piece of ridiculously simple code that refuses to function lol If you have the patience to answer 283872812 times, then great. Ohh and NeoMallers isnt my full time job ;) I've got other real life stuff to do so that cuts down more time too and from time to time, i rather use my free time slacking/playing some game instead of constantly working on the site too :) EDIT: and the OP posted her question under the wrong section of this site. If i remember correctly, its buried in the "NeoMallers Portal 8.0 released!" thread @goobabe http://www.neomallers.com/node/1545 ^ it's a wonder abrar13 even helped you. to me, you sounded like a typical forum troll pretending to be dumb and trying to waste people's times (trust me, I've got one or two of those already!)[/quote] $ BUDGET HOME @ GARDEN + SCRATCHCARDS $ mamawfl http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=mamawfl
$ BUDGET- BATTLE-MAGIC-SCROLLS $ mamawfl http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=mamawfl
MAMAWFL's picture
Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
Joined: 11/09/2008 - 10:42am
[quote=Dmitri]Ok here's my two cents on this matter. 1. Running this site is harder than it seem/looks. On the outside, it appears to be a simple counter service with some random forum hosted on some random domain name. But inside, you gotta watch out for security (in addition to the initial planning and then coding it in a manner that provides the fastest and most lightest database queries). A site with a bunch of security exploits isnt gonna keep its members and then you'd end up with pissed off people complaining how someone CGed their account via this site. Then you gotta watch out for glitches within the site that might cause things to not run properly. On top of that, every computer handles things different, which means, even it works perfectly on my computer, it works crappy on another. I.E. Portal 6 worked perfectly on English OS's but crapped out on UK operating systems because their decimal system is slightly different from the U.S. [b]Summary: [/b] It means I'm always busy poking around, patching things up, keeping ahead of attempted hack attempts, etc. 2.) Because many people have different areas and varying degrees of "guesswork", I've taken extra time to write up and upload a tutorial (now including a video), complete with graphics in a step-by-step form. The forums are also here too to reduce the workload in 1.) and act as a knowledgebase where users can search for similar solutions to their problems. Now, how would you feel if as soon as someone had a tiny bit if trouble, they'd resort to instantly mailing the admin asking for help, especially when it's a simple question that can be answered by just scrolling down (the all famous, how do i paste my counter code into my ship question) It's right on the page. It's bold. It's big. And as a bonus, there's a tutorial for it too. Wouldnt you be like "WTF, I JUST WROTE A GOD DAMN TUTORIAL FOR IT?" Now you might say, "well it only takes 5 seconds to answer. Take a chill pill sheesh", try having many users asking that same question (or another very simple question) on a daily basis, both on neopets (which by the way, it's against the rules to post offsite links, so things like 'where do i get the counter code' are harder to answer) and here. Then you get those people where you spend 20 minutes holding their hand and taking them step by step through the pages (basically what the tutorials are supposed to do), and what do they do? they decide not to use it afterall. Congrats, 20 minutes down the toilet. Not even a "thanks for the time" either. And because this site has so many members and gains about 15-30 a day, alot of the same stuff happens all the time, endlessly and thus i get irritated from time to time with the "Not this again" scenario, especially after an hour or two of fiddling around with a piece of ridiculously simple code that refuses to function lol If you have the patience to answer 283872812 times, then great. Ohh and NeoMallers isnt my full time job ;) I've got other real life stuff to do so that cuts down more time too and from time to time, i rather use my free time slacking/playing some game instead of constantly working on the site too :) EDIT: and the OP posted her question under the wrong section of this site. If i remember correctly, its buried in the "NeoMallers Portal 8.0 released!" thread @goobabe http://www.neomallers.com/node/1545 ^ it's a wonder abrar13 even helped you. to me, you sounded like a typical forum troll pretending to be dumb and trying to waste people's times (trust me, I've got one or two of those already!)[/quote] $ BUDGET HOME @ GARDEN + SCRATCHCARDS $ mamawfl http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=mamawfl
$ BUDGET- BATTLE-MAGIC-SCROLLS $ mamawfl http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=mamawfl
MAMAWFL's picture
Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
Joined: 11/09/2008 - 10:42am
$ BUDGET HOME @ GARDEN + SCRATCHCARDS $ mamawfl http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=mamawfl I apologize, sorry etc. I realize all the work you do, just was surprised at your letter, shouldn't be, with my temper and living in this world. That's why I'm on neo, to escape it. Thank you for all your work. hugs, karen
$ BUDGET- BATTLE-MAGIC-SCROLLS $ mamawfl http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=mamawfl
silverdragon's picture
Last seen: 12 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/06/2007 - 1:58pm
Pun, c, tu, at, ion. ___________ [color=gray]Chris, aka wushu_soldier[/color] [size=11][i]Sniper, maller, reseller Background shop of X-Mart Neomallers graphics designer[/i][/size]
___________ [color=gray]Chris, aka wushu_soldier[/color] [size=11][i]Sniper, maller, reseller Background shop of X-Mart Neomallers graphics designer[/i][/size]
abrar13's picture
Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago
Joined: 30/07/2009 - 11:42am
those 2 quotes were completely usless O.O Come check it out: http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=abrar1646&misc
