Neopets Shop Counters

Welcome to the NeoMallers Shop Counter Service!
Geared towards mallers, these shop counters will tell you how your visitors visit your shop; whether it's from the marketplace, other mall members, or the shop wizard. Of course, users will be able to compare their statistics (average/total hits) with other users. However, your in-depth statistics will remain private at this time.

Note: These will only work in your neopets shops. If you are looking for counters to use on your user lookup, petpage, or pet lookup, click here.

The Development Process

Features marked with an X will be developed as time allows.

Marketplace Tracking
Tracks how many people click into your shop via your own shop banners
Direct Hits
Tracks how many people visit your shop directly (bookmarks, etc).
Daily Hits/Average Hits/Total
Historical Data
See your total hits from the last 7 days
Whos Lurking? (NEW!)
Allows a more accurate display of who are currently shopping
Mall Banner Hits
Tracks how many people visit your shop from your mall members' banner.
Notice Board Ads
Tracks how many people visit your shop from NB Ads.
Shop Wizard
Keeps track of incoming visitors via the shop wizard.
Rank your daily hits with your other fellow mallers
Custom Themes
Customize your counter from an array of themes

... and alot more!

So How do I get it?

First, you will need to register a neomallers user account. You should also have a shop size of at least 250 in order to take full advantage of all the features, however, not required..

To create a shop counter, click here
To create counters for petpages, lookups, etc, click here

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