Mall/Shop Counters & Sales History Statistics for Neopets

Launched on June 20/2007, this resource rich website is perfect for everyone from the casual shopkeeper to the elite maller! We offer services ranging from shop stock management and a Neopets counter that is loaded with features - all for free.

NeoMallers splash banner

Find out how many visits your shop gets

The shop counter service will tell you how your visitors visit your shop; whether it's from the marketplace, other mall members, or the shop wizard. Users will be able to compare their statistics (average/total hits) with other users.
Shop Counters

Record, Calculate, & Track Neopets Sales & shop history with ease!

This is what started it all! This nifty tool can help you track both sales and profits, while allowing you to fully manage your entire shop stock database, all from a copy-paste interface. It will even let you know when an item goes out of stock. This tool will also integrate with your counters so you can see both stats on a single page.
Sales History Tracker

Graphics & Resources

Sign up today and join a community with over 2,000 topics and 45,000 forum posts. Now featuring Neopets premade lookups, shop / mall graphics & banners, mall openings database & more! Hover your mouse over the top menu bar to find out more!
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