Patch Update Instructions - Manual

This page will guide you on how to update your existing version of the Portal.
Follow these steps if the NeoMallers Portal does not have access to the internet and therefore cannot update itself, OR if you are having problems initiating the updater.

Step One - Getting the update file

Click here to get the latest update. When a download dialog pop ups up, simply click Open or if you wish to save it, click Save As. Select an area on your hard drive. The desktop is recommended as it makes it easier to locate the file.


Step Two - Launching the Updater
The decompressor will launch and guide you through the process. When a dialog similar to below appears, Click Unzip. Please make sure that you have fully exited the Portal.
(Screenshot for demonstration purposes only. May not reflect the actual file.)


Step Three - Conclusion

That's it! You're done! ^^