Specify Mall Membership

From this page, you can specify the mall that you are in. This will allow you to filter the topshops page to your mall members and conveniently see how your mall members are doing.

Mall Branches
can be created from the main account and authorized users can be added later. ** NEW ** Established malls can now create their own private forums! For more information, please visit here

If your mall is not listed here, simply click add/edit.
NOTE: Be sure to read through the list CAREFULLY before adding your mall. Chances are good that it already exists on the server. If you do not, the automated system may decide to eat you.

NOTE: This action will delete the entire mall network from the database but will not reset the member's mall membership.
This can be useful in transferring admin as you can delete and re-create it using the same mall name/branch and regain all your old members.