
Gah!! I don't know what to do these days! I've only had my shop open for a little over a week and already people are taking my shop ads and "altering" them just so much that I can't complain too much (since mine are based off of a freind's, but at least she gave me permission and doesn't even sell my category anymore!) but it's SO anoying! Gr.. okay I should stop now haha I just had to get that out but really they aren't doing anything but anoying me with similar ads. I'm just whining :P But this next part.. oh gosh.. (con't)

So today I don't have much to do and spent a good amount of time to keep an ad for my shop bumped up. I get on for the last bump before I go out to eat with my dad for Father's Day (btw, Happy Fathers Day to y'all) and some noob says something about how it is "against the rules to use programs to an unfair advantage" and that I was "using a program (I don't remember what else but I think he was implying that I was to bump my thread)". Anyways that REALLY pissed me off, and I was actually a little worried. With any other game or whatever I wouldn't be worried, because I didn't do anything wrong, but TNT tends to get a little ice happy with innocent people *unsure* There was something else I was going to say but I got so intense with that last part I forgot *lol* .:| Luck |:.

solution: if you're worried just give it a rest every couple minutes. i wouldnt worry, but i get so many empty threats it became funny. :S hehe i don't feel like sharing my bad whiny experiences tonight. hope it helped for you to vent. My Shop- My Trades-
My Shop- My Trades- That guy is 69 months or something and still there. You'll be fine :P
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Thanks it did help vent :D And Dmitri, that guy is actually doing something wrong, TNT doesn't freeze for that. Only the innocent people *lol* But OMG this latest noob on one of my boards has done it. They have really pissed me off! I mean, this made me SO mad!! See attachment. And that was after lowering my prices to withing a few hundred of what I have as "bought" in my portal :o Guess I should recheck them. .:| Luck |:.

the report button for harassment might be useful :P
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Can you really report that as harassment? If so, the Neopian population is going to get a bit smaller. I now have like 2 or 3 people who've made comments like that, but 2 people are supporting me :o Makes me feel alot better (: It's mainly the scammer part that got to me, because it's like they are calling the entire malling population scammers. .:| Luck |:.

heartless- glad it helped :) a lot of people are really prejudiced towards minimal threats. i think they really do want to help, but they lose their way and start to enjoy being annoying. i got warned twice by same person for asking people to view my shop in quest help chat, while i was helping. i got her to block me because i kept telling her i made up my mind already stop bugging me. i get a lot of people to block me for sticking up for myself. it's quite gratifying really. My Shop- My Trades-
My Shop- My Trades-

Calling someone a scammer is actually harassment unless they're really harassing.
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They might mean well and want to help but no one's going to be too kind to them if they go around adressing everyone whos shop isn't SW priced as "scammer". They are definitly anoying too, but finally I just said that I won't reply and will just keep on bumping unless someone has something to say that isn't harassment. Most of them went away except one who has really overthought the meaning of "scam". Lol. I'll have to keep that in mind Dmitri ;) .:| Luck |:.