Pack rat trades

Yah see, I do these "pack rat trades" every once in a while, sell 10 items I have, randomly, for 100np... Most of the time, they're worth from 50 to 80 np, sometimes I stuff something worth 200np in it, cause I'm too lazy to try to sell it otherwise This time I thought I'd put a thread on the shop ad boards to speed things up and it went well, I already sold more than 60 trades today (yesh lotsa junk) but this person decided to bother me! [quote] ur asking prices are too much . it would be cheaper to buy everything individualy [/quote] And then [quote] no one wants ur overpriced trades sorry to be so blunt but someone needs to [/quote] *roll eyes* It's not.. big.. but it's annoying me -.-' Don't like it? LEAVE.

~ May ~ [quote] Helping people out is one thing...overpricing while trying to "help" people out is wrong and somehow I am sure against the rules [/quote] Oh for crying out loud. I need coffee *runs for the hills*
~ May ~

Yeah, I hate it when they ruin perfectly nice advertising boards. :K
[url=]Battledome Weapons, Shields and Cures![/url]

Sorry people are being so rude when your just being kind that's noobs for ya D:
Spare a CC vote please? :*

Well I tried lol. Left them a little paragraph but it will probably never sink in. *unsure*. People like that are the same ones that call malling a "scam" or "rip-off". It's best to just ignor them (: .:| Paint Brushes |:.

Is it just me or was there actually a point making this topic? *unsure* ___________ [color=gray]Chris, aka wushu_soldier[/color] [size=11][i]Sniper, maller, reseller Background shop of X-Mart Neomallers graphics designer[/i][/size]
___________ [color=gray]Chris, aka wushu_soldier[/color] [size=11][i]Sniper, maller, reseller Background shop of X-Mart Neomallers graphics designer[/i][/size]

[quote] The Kiln Someone piss you off? [b]Need to vent?[/b] This is it! [b]Flame all you want and get it out of your system![/b] [/quote] 0:-) .:| Paint Brushes |:.

~ May ~ Yup, it said "need to vent" XD I needed to vent I mean, it's not like I was charging them 1k for one omelette XD When I did those sales on my shop, I used to sell omelettes for 5 to 12 np, so they're not even that overpriced -.- Some people... *grumbles*
~ May ~

[quote=heartlessness_]Well I tried lol. Left them a little paragraph but it will probably never sink in. *unsure*. People like that are the same ones that call malling a "scam" or "rip-off". It's best to just ignor them (: .:| Paint Brushes |:.[/quote] ~ May ~ Thank you :) And yeah, they'll never get it :P *sigh*
~ May ~

I just commented... hmm. All I have to say is at least spell correctly. What an idiot.

Ohh okay, venting makes sense :P *is selling sand at 1k a piece had hasn't received any complaints* Boards are terrible though, there are always people around there commenting on how overpriced your stuff is. I mean, why? It's not like they tell the shop owner of their local grocery store how overpriced they are (I hope :P) ___________ [color=gray]Chris, aka wushu_soldier[/color] [size=11][i]Sniper, maller, reseller Background shop of X-Mart Neomallers graphics designer[/i][/size]
___________ [color=gray]Chris, aka wushu_soldier[/color] [size=11][i]Sniper, maller, reseller Background shop of X-Mart Neomallers graphics designer[/i][/size]
