NeoPortal Crashing on start up

My computer got shut down without closing neoportal now when I try to go back it I get this error message when I log into my neohome/neogarden database. Unexpected program error click to exit You have chosen to end the program. Please make note of the current process and report it to admin. By current process we are referring to what was loading when the crash occurred. For example mainframe
Microsoft Office document icon MainframeCrash.doc195.5 KB

That's odd, it should have been fine since portal saves everything after every operation. You're running it from the hard disk right? Maybe you can try restarting it, if not, you'll probably have to send the db to me to take a look at
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Restarting did not help I will send to you Thank you! Neo-Home & Garden ~
Neo-Home & Garden ~

I copied and saved the database as another name and tried logging into to and I was. ??? No clue but I am able to get into the new one where I copied the database. Neo-Home & Garden ~
Neo-Home & Garden ~

Okay I am on a roll this week. I added some new items put all the info in and did a post history check for out of stock and they are they but not sold? All info is gone? So I put the info back in and save do another check for out of stock and nothing saved? Any ideas? Neo-Home & Garden ~
Neo-Home & Garden ~

I have been trying to get into my portal as well today and its not working. It does it's thing and crashes when it gets to checking for updates. I get the same error message as ladytaelorae has. I decided to make a new profile like they did and it seems to be working through the new profile though not the old.

Even if I copy my database it won't let me save prices for the new items I added :( Hopefully it is a easy fix :) Neo-Home & Garden ~
Neo-Home & Garden ~

I ended up system restoring my laptop back five days and the portal is working fine now, assuming a file must have bugged or something in the past couple of days. The second database wasn't working perfect either. I was copying my shop front, it would say 300 and so items records, 200 and something out of stock when there was only 18 actually out of stock, the rest were priced.

Sounds like another database hiccup. Nothing much can be done. The new portal is ready but internet issues are preventing me from uploading it. This post will probably take 20 years to go through so i'll just grab a cup of coffee or something lol
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[quote=Dmitri]Sounds like another database hiccup. Nothing much can be done. The new portal is ready but internet issues are preventing me from uploading it. This post will probably take 20 years to go through so i'll just grab a cup of coffee or something lol[/quote] Hopefully not! That would take a long time! Thank you so much for everything you do! I love the portal! Not sure what I will do if I start a database from scratch and copy shop front it works but I will lose 54 days of data. Will think on it ...wait till new portal update or start over again.....hmm Neo-Home & Garden ~
Neo-Home & Garden ~

you can try zipping up that profile folder and mailing it to [email protected] so i can take a look at it
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