Rant rant rant!!!

Gah!!!! I just realised almost every active topic right now is pathetic mini malls (no offence *cough*) recruiting. For crying out loud (i'm on a mission not to swear) whats the obsession? I wonder if i'd be pushing the boundaries a bit to write the following words "go away" 0:-) ...perhaps. Just had to rant a little :*

*wonders if I would be abusing my mod powers if my finger was to accidentally slip onto the delete button on each of them topics* 0:-) ___________ [color=gray]Kirsty, aka evil super mod[/color] [size=11][i]Sniper, maller, restocker Silverdragon siggy stealer Best wearables shop owner ever![/i][/size]
___________ Kirsty aka "the sensitive one" Silverdragon siggy stealer Tasty tent seller

i know right! malling takes a certain set of rare skills to succeed at and you were there first. who do these people think they are!?

*lol* what kind of post is that, seriously, you trying to say i'm in the wrong for being pissed that 10 billion noob malls are filling up the active topics. I have nothing against mini mallers, or indeed mini malls, or indeed them recruiting. As always though it's about quality, and the ones in the active topics on the whole are just people trying to look "cool" by opening their own mall. Most die super fast. I have respect for long standing mini malls, eg nursery. So take your pathetic comments elsewhere or learn to read! My point is they should be using the toolbar above to recruit, not constantly bumping their topics into the active topics to look for mallers. I've always been against Dmitri having available the mall recruitment forum section, however when used correctly I guess it is handy. ___________ [color=gray]Kirsty, aka evil super mod[/color] [size=11][i]Sniper, maller, restocker Silverdragon siggy stealer Best wearables shop owner ever![/i][/size]
___________ Kirsty aka "the sensitive one" Silverdragon siggy stealer Tasty tent seller

heh ive been deleting a couple especially those that are getting bumped like a neoboard. anyways you have a point. ive seen at least 3 malls so far where the owner just wants to give it a "try" aka its gonna die soon. another where they quit the mall they're running since they didnt have enough time... and proceeded directly to making their own neomallers.com and advertising/recruiting for staff here. seriously... thats like walking into burger king and advertising your lemonade stand xD p.s have you noticed that many main mallers left the site now?
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[quote=Dmitri]heh ive been deleting a couple especially those that are getting bumped like a neoboard. anyways you have a point. ive seen at least 3 malls so far where the owner just wants to give it a "try" aka its gonna die soon. another where they quit the mall they're running since they didnt have enough time... and proceeded directly to making their own neomallers.com and advertising/recruiting for staff here. seriously... thats like walking into burger king and advertising your lemonade stand xD p.s have you noticed that many main mallers left the site now?[/quote] does that mean we have permission to press that magical delete button? (a)

Main Mallers seem to be disappearing horribly. I keep seeing Main Malls with openings for long periods of time. Snowy River has had 1001/Gifts/Magic open for a few months now. Another with the same opening had to change the category and I don't know if they even filled it yet. Also, looks like more independent 4m ads then main malls on the Notice Board.

I just wanted to poke one more good long-standing Mini-Mall, Unknown Utopia... that's where I started. I do agree that good Mini-Malls are few and far between though. ;)

There are a ton of mini malls out there for you to join, you just have to look... STOP TRYING TO KEEP CREATING THEM BECAUSE YOU WONT GET MEMBERS just like most other mini malls out there!!! /rant. Sorry, this has been bothering me too. And people trying to keep making independant 4mil ads. There's a reason why they are all fitting on one page now. The people that want to be in one, and are going to successful might I add, already have one. So stop wasting your time trying to create new ones.

there arent main nb ads since most realize that its a waste. the only ones who do it are mostly non main who think its great when their 30k profit goes up to 80k and "forget" they paid 360k for that mystery spot on the ad. of course there are some malls that do it for the sake of increasing the returning customers variable but yeah. the same goes for those shop directories. main mallers dont get listed since it distracts the customer and would only help the creator of the page. the ones that do it dont know about the side effects lol
----------------------------- [color=purple]Protect your account[/color] http://www.neopets.com/~punchback_bob CG information & more

[quote=Bubbles62200]Also, looks like more independent 4m ads then main malls on the Notice Board.[/quote] Yeah. Jaspeh and I are the only ones that do independent advertisements consistently. It just seems a lot because Jaspeh have 3 sections and I have 2. But I'm thinking of minimizing it to 1 because I've been so busy lately. All I do is bump my thread in the shop boards and that's pretty much all the time I spend in neopets. I have no idea how Jaspeh can manage 3. Props to her.
WOW! Selling: Maps, Neggs, Stamps, Coins, Cards, ETC! http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=1434sweet#p
