Rant rant rant!!!
Submitted by kirsty_to_stay on Wed, 07/10/2009 - 1:05am
Gah!!!! I just realised almost every active topic right now is pathetic mini malls (no offence *cough*) recruiting. For crying out loud (i'm on a mission not to swear) whats the obsession? I wonder if i'd be pushing the boundaries a bit to write the following words "go away" 0:-) ...perhaps.
Just had to rant a little :*
*wonders if I would be
i know right! malling ta
what kind of post is tha
heh ive been deleting a
Dmitri wrote:heh ive bee
Main Mallers seem to be
I just wanted to poke on
There are a ton of mini
there arent main nb ads
Bubbles62200 wrote:Also,