Installation Issues

1. Operating System & Language Ex: Windows XP English 32-bit Edition, Service Pack 2 2. Browser & Version Ex: Firefox 3.0 English, Portal Installation Ver. 8.5.0 Heyy guys. As I am a small shopowner, I became interested in monitoring my shop statistics using Neomallers, but I've run into a hitch! @_@ I don't have any other programs running (other than some antiviruses and Anti-Spyware programs), and changing the directories or names doesn't seem to do anything. I hope this has a solution!
Image icon error.JPG101.82 KB
Image icon error1.JPG28.02 KB

disable the antivirus/spyware software during installation. You might have to white list c:\neomallers\portal.exe afterwards too.
----------------------------- [color=purple]Protect your account[/color] CG information & more

Wow, fast reply :3 Thanks, I'll try that now.~

I had the same problem and disabled it but I still got those same error messages

try saving it to your desktop instead of installing it from your temp folders.

I have the same exact problem. I'll try disabling my ant-virus thing again. *scurries off to try* lol
[center] [color=#74BE04]» Luck «[/color] [color=#C4928C]» «[/color] [/center]

Still not working for me