Oh and I'm not saying anything bad about it being the newest member, I just mean how if I had noticed this 10 minutes ago they wouldn't even be here.
Lol I feel blind the top said "Your Forum topic has been created." and I thought it said "Your Forum topic has been deleted."
[color=Gray]Good Idea: Feeding stray kittens in the park.
Bad Idea: Feeding stray kittens in the park... to a bear.[/color]
I don't know, but a lot of users are set to Stealth, so it wouldn't show them as being online, now would it?
There's eight people online now!
[size=10]Grooming, wearables, backgrounds, clothes, Fire & Air Faerie Quest items!
Owner of The Rainbow Fields Mall & Celestial Colours Guild![/size]
[url]http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=nioe_yemar&NB[/url] - Nioe's Emporium of Medicine and Cures! :* [url]http://www.neopets.com/~Fiylayla[/url] - Join Rainbow Fields Mall!
Yeah it has been quieter recently. I know I myself have been studying most the time. When i'm not studying i'm trying to finish this book i've been reading for about 3 weeks, never ends :P
[color=gray]Kirsty, aka evil super mod[/color]
[size=11][i]Sniper, maller, restocker
Silverdragon siggy stealer
Best wearables shop owner ever![/i][/size]
Oh and I'm not saying
I don't know, but a lot
Yeah it has been quieter