Market Sizes

What are the current sizes for each market? ------------------------------------- *star*MODERATOR NOTICE | EDIT ------------------------------------- [b]Main market minimum:[/b] [b]Island[/b] [b]Spooky[/b]

275 for spooky 332 for island 605 for main

I wish they would delete all of the account that are in a market that haven't been on for a long, long time.

[center] Mm, that would be nice. It would make people more likely to access shops through there, also... Nothing is more annoying than trying to browse through the shops there, and hitting empty after empty... So I'm sure it would help the sales of everyone in the market, to have those people gone. :O It would make the huts a lot less stable, though... ------------------------------------------------------------------- [url=]~~ Come visit my map shop ~~[/url] [/center]
[center] ------------------------------------------------------------------- [url=]~~ Come visit my map shop ~~[/url] [/center]

[quote=raine_storme][center] It would make the huts a lot less stable, though... [/center][/quote] Exactly and sales will be crappier. With the empty shops, even if you're not on top of the hut, you still get better sales because of that empty shop being less distracting (as opposed to a fully active mall shop)
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Spooky: 271 Island: 321 Main: 592 Unless its gone up or down that's last I know. Click the names of the marketplace that is in the second paragraph in the parentheses to see the min for each one.

[quote=evilgoatmonster]I wish they would delete all of the account that are in a market that haven't been on for a long, long time.[/quote] I remember reading an editorial question regarding this several months ago, I believe TNT said they were going to look into it. Probably right after they release all the items they haven't over the years. ;)

found it... maybe its not possible?? Neopets Editorial - Issue: 375 | Question #6 [link]JN ID: 7722 Okay, so could you guys maybe add an option to not show your shop in the marketplace (a "hide" feature, if you will)? In addition to that, once an account is frozen or inactive for 365+ days, the "hide" option could automatically go into effect, removing those shops from the marketplace. Seeing all those disabled accounts in the marketplace is pointless, since no one can visit an iced shop. Plus all the "Last Spotted: A very long time ago" shops need to go, too, since those shops are all empty. They serve no point. Thanks for listing, and thank you guys for all that you do for us. :) ~jerseygirlie007 We like your thinking! We're going to ask around and see if this is possible.

[quote=jetcitywoman13]found it... maybe its not possible?? Neopets Editorial - Issue: 375 | Question #6 [link]JN ID: 7722 Okay, so could you guys maybe add an option to not show your shop in the marketplace (a "hide" feature, if you will)? In addition to that, once an account is frozen or inactive for 365+ days, the "hide" option could automatically go into effect, removing those shops from the marketplace. Seeing all those disabled accounts in the marketplace is pointless, since no one can visit an iced shop. Plus all the "Last Spotted: A very long time ago" shops need to go, too, since those shops are all empty. They serve no point. Thanks for listing, and thank you guys for all that you do for us. :) ~jerseygirlie007 We like your thinking! We're going to ask around and see if this is possible.[/quote] Awww Jersey! Yeah she wanted them to do that, I remember now. It'd be a good idea.

Is that the latest issue, or was this a while ago?
