Not sure if this is supposed to go in this forum, but If I use the web edition of the neomallers portal, is it JUST as effective

as the downloaded one? Because the last time I downloaded it, I think there was a trojan virus. I didn't have any problems with my computer until I used the neomallers portal, and I don't want to download it again.

Nope the current web edition is basic. Also the portal does not contain any viruses. You probably have a crappy anti-virus software that marks ALL user-created programs through VB6 as trojans.
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I use AVG. Dunno if that's considered crappy or not, but it's been pretty nice to my computer for the 6 or so years i've been using it. So you haven't had any problems with it then?

I have AVG (or used to) and it has not detected it as a virus. Also, I'm the creator of the portal so no, no problems
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Ok. I would like to use the most effective version, so I shall take your word for it... Maybe it was a coincidence. Thanks for your help.

It's up to you though. The web edition is in for a complete overhaul but that wont be completed for a couple months since simply having all the features coded isnt enough. There's gotta be a period of testing, security checks and whatnot to make sure it wont mess up the site, etc
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Man--that's a llllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg title--lol Books! Reasonable Prices!!
Food! Reasonable Prices!!

Well, when I downloaded it last time I must not have uninstalled it properly or something. I'm reading the tutorial now, and when I load up Neomallers Portal, the screen looks nothing like it does in the tutorial.

I know. the portal was updated to 9.0 quite recently but i have not found the time to redo the tutorials. It will be done sometime in december though since that's when my semester ends (yay!)
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[quote=Dmitri]I know. the portal was updated to 9.0 quite recently but i have not found the time to redo the tutorials. It will be done sometime in december though since that's when my semester ends (yay!)[/quote] Is that why my computer anti virus crap, AVG lol, keeps saying that the photoshop you separated for me is a virus or whatnot? Or are you trying to sabotage me without my knowledge? =)

Yeah AVG has gone downhill now. Actually, even Norton (they recently improved alot from what i hear!) is better than AVG. I installed the new one and it said everything was a virus and it made my hard drive "active" constantly while eating 10-20% CPU all the time
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