Messed up Profits

The portal messed up my profits! I started a new user thing, since im changing categories. I KNOW that I had sales of 30+k (if not more... im sure it went up to 90+ yesterday) for the past 2 days... ONE single item sold with a profit of 30k (even the portal says so)... But when I look into my sales history for the past 4 days, the highest profit it shows me is about 9k... kind of annoying... :/

Version? Operating System? Browser? Do you have the wiz prices set up in the DB correctly? Are you using "ignore non-mall items"? ?
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[quote=Dmitri]Version? Operating System? Browser? Do you have the wiz prices set up in the DB correctly? Are you using "ignore non-mall items"? ?[/quote] Version 9.0.0 OS Vista Browser: Firefoy Ive entered all of the prices in the DB by hand... they're all still right... And I am using the "ingore non DB items"
------- Books, School & Water Faerie Items: :D

Would need to look into this further later onsince it appears to be an issue that needs to be tested and reproduced from my end and right now, I cant spare any more than 5 mins doing neopets stuff unless it's between breaks x.x And i'm using my breaks to unwind abit as opposed to tackling an annoying issue like neomallers lol
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Hehe. Completely understand! Im REALLY greatfull for the portal! Its amazing! Thank you so much for all of this... again! :D
------- Books, School & Water Faerie Items: :D

Yeah sorry about that. I'm already staying up til 2-3am each night so the next 2 weeks are gonna be mega intense. Of course Ill still lurk/refresh here as usual but cant do anything intense (like making graphics, figuring out issues, etc) I guess this is where having multiple programmers on this project can come in handy :P
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Like I said... dont worry about it. ;) Hey... if I were to get bored at some point, and make some Mall banners or something, would you want to use them? Or not really interested?
------- Books, School & Water Faerie Items: :D