Notable RS'es

So, I was rejoicing over my first real RS, and I figured I'd come here and post it... I was rather surprised to see, though, that while we have a snipe board, and a shop upgrades board, and a million other random boards for rejoicing, we DON'T have one for when someone snags something really awesome out of the actual Neopian shops. I know a lot of you RS, whether for the category you stock in your shop, or just for big ticket items to sell on the TP, so, I figured I'd make one. :O [quote] Buying : Paint Brush Coin A gleaming souvenier of your trip to the Rainbow Pool. The Shopkeeper says 'I accept your offer of 37000 Neopoints!' Paint Brush Coin has been added to your inventory [/quote] Its listed as 1.5 M on the TP and on jellyneo. That ought to buy me a few shop upgrades. :D

Congrats! btw we do already have a rs and chat board. ;) ____________________________________ Looking for a new mall? The Lucky Mega Mall is the answer! Currently looking for: - Collectables Sizes 250+ Visit us at:

[center] Really? I didn't spot it. :O Well, this one can be allowed to die a slow painful death, then. :P But meanwhile, a friend still needed that coin. I gave her a discount, but still got enough in pure to upgrade from 408 all the way to 422. :D *runs to upgrades board to post* ------------------------------------------------------------------- [url=]~~ Come visit my map shop ~~[/url] [/center]
[center] ------------------------------------------------------------------- [url=]~~ Come visit my map shop ~~[/url] [/center]

Congrats! Nah just keep this board. Too lazy to find the other board to post this: The Shopkeeper says 'I accept your offer of 32132 Neopoints!' Starry Bruce Morphing Potion has been added to your inventory ____________________________________ Looking for a new mall? The Lucky Mega Mall is the answer! Currently looking for: - Collectables Sizes 250+ Visit us at:

Wow congrats! That's amazing! ^^ The Preschool Mall: All Things Faerie

RS and Chat isn't as good a topic title as this one. RS and chat means just buy something from Neopian shops and post what you got here. This should be for the uber great RS's! Congrats to both of you! ~ Mimi ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ temps_bons graphics ~
~ Mimi ~

I like this topic :) I'm not a very good restocker though. I only bought one morphing potion from kauvara in my whole neopets carriere. Although it's been almost a year ago, I still think it's worth posting it here! :)

Congrats for alls RSeds.I RSed 15 UBs, i really does mishaggle.The 31932: 32123.He's DON'T accepted...

Ah that's really frustrating! :o Check my screeny to see how bad I haggled back then ;)

LOL I like the falling out of the chair part, definitely worth it ;) Hope it wasn't like..a bar stool or something, that could've been nasty :K

It's some kind of bar chair indeed. It's rather high (as you are not supposed to touch the ground with your feet, your feed rest on the chair itself) and you can wiggle with it. Like if someone is behind you, you can swing your body to the side and the chair will turn. :) When I restocked that potion, I didn't see what I was actually buying. It just looked like it wasn't a normal healing potion, but I wanted to be so fast (since I already missed like 5 MPs that day) that I didn't see what item it was. The only thing I saw was a strange black potion. I just clicked and tried to buy it, whatever it was, as fast as possible! That's probably also the reason I fell of my chair ^^ I never expected it to be a draik MP :P I just hoped it was UB, or at least would give me some profit ^^