You have GOT to be kidding me!!!
Submitted by perpette on Fri, 12/03/2010 - 10:07am
So back to people being completely stupid. If a 6 year old kindergartner walked up to you with $60 to spend would you not question it???
My lovely little kindergartner just got off the bus today and announced she went to the book fair, pulling a massive stash out of her back pack. Apparently she took the 60 bucks in cash I had in my purse this morning. She is just learning the concepts of money and yes while it was extremely wrong she went in my purse, she also had no clue how much it was she was taking. In her head it was probably 3 dollars as there were 3 bills. Yet they let her spend it without question.
It's not like I dont have a history with the school either. I have already dealt with them the past 5 years for my son. I NEVER sent him in with money on his own and if we visited the book fair it was together.
I dont know.. is this normal for other people or something? I just cant fathom how they couldn't question it. *angry*
well i can tell you what
haha this reminds me of
Mm, teaching my nephew a
When I first read this,
inara60 .. it seems like
I did, because of me, we
Kids are great but some
When it comes to money I