You have GOT to be kidding me!!!

So back to people being completely stupid. If a 6 year old kindergartner walked up to you with $60 to spend would you not question it??? My lovely little kindergartner just got off the bus today and announced she went to the book fair, pulling a massive stash out of her back pack. Apparently she took the 60 bucks in cash I had in my purse this morning. She is just learning the concepts of money and yes while it was extremely wrong she went in my purse, she also had no clue how much it was she was taking. In her head it was probably 3 dollars as there were 3 bills. Yet they let her spend it without question. It's not like I dont have a history with the school either. I have already dealt with them the past 5 years for my son. I NEVER sent him in with money on his own and if we visited the book fair it was together. I dont know.. is this normal for other people or something? I just cant fathom how they couldn't question it. *angry*

well i can tell you what has happened to you isnt all that unusual I volunteer at a school for grades jk through 5 and when ever we have a book fair or fundraising event some kids bring in a large amount of cash. but the teacher that I work with always asks the kids where it came from. and then makes a point of calling the parent prior to letting the kid spend the cash. He also makes a point of sending a note home where the child has filled out a wish list. the parent must circle the items the child may buy and sign that they have said their child can spend the money. If it is a large amount he still checks with the parent but in the manner of thanks for supporting I just wanted to check that you sent x dollars and your change coming home will be. If he cant reach the parent he has the items set aside for the kid so that they can purchase them the next day but only with a phone call to the teacher or school first. Ive walked through this with my boys who are now teens and have always had them split any money the make/receive between a spending wallet and their bank account. they both got savings accounts a 5 yrs of age. that approach sure helped when we went shopping as i never heard can i have can i have. plus many times if they wanted something it would open the doors of discussion as to well your birthday is coming or lets wait I will be back in the store tomorrow, usually by then they have decided that there is something more important they want to spend their cash on. guess what you walked through is something every parent needs to handle in their own way we as parents know our children best and how and why they do the things they do. our response to that should be based on love always, consequences yes but in relation to the event and child just remember 10 yrs or 20 yrs down the road you both will smile over it.

haha this reminds me of my childhood when I was a little kid (8-9 yrs old). My sister and I would take money from our refrigerator top to spend on candy at school. This money was there for small change in case of emergencies in case you had to pay the delivery person etc... we only took a little bit so as not to get caught. But then once we stole like $10 from my mom's purse and she found out the next day lol And no she didn't give us allowance and then steal it back to teach us a lesson. She just sat us down and explained things to us. The point she made was that its not ok to take money from her purse without her permission. Because if she is out shopping, she may think she has money in her purse, but when she goes to make a purchase she wouldn't have enough. It made sense to me, so I never took money like that ever again.

[center] Mm, teaching my nephew about money was easy. You see, my mom lets change collect on her dresser. I don't know where she gets it from, but the pile seems to build pretty fast, despite the fact that I always see her using a card rather than cash... But I digress. Anyway, the money collects there, and when it looks like there is quite a bit there, we all go on a trip to the little ice cream shop thats a few blocks from her house... So anyway, when my nephew was maybe three, you'd always catch him jangling coins in his pocket, and if you'd ask where they came from, he'd say he "found them". And if you asked him where he found them, eventually it would come out that they'd come from Mom's room. So then we nicely explained to him that if the money got removed from her dresser, that would mean we couldn't go to the ice cream place more often. And of course, that was incentive enough to quit stealing change. :O Because really, at his age? A 99 cent ice cream cone is worth far more than a few dollars in change. :P ------------------------------------------------------------------- [url=]~~ Come visit my map shop ~~[/url] [/center]
[center] ------------------------------------------------------------------- [url=]~~ Come visit my map shop ~~[/url] [/center]

When I first read this, it reminded me of something that happened in my childhood. My mom and I had gone to the store, I was maybe 7 or 8 at the time, and after shopping I got into the car while my mom loaded the groceries with the bag boy. I saw my mom's purse sitting on the seat next to me, and I started to pull things out of it setting them on my lap while looking for car door was open. Once I found the gum, I put everything back into her purse, and she got into the car, I closed my door and we drove off for home. Once we got home, my mom went into her purse looking for the house keys, and couldn't find her little change purse, which she kept her grocery money in. Apparently it had slid off my lap and out the open car door while I was looking for gum =/ There was probably $40 in there, which was a lot at the time, and I remember my mom just sitting in the drivers seat crying...she didn't reprimand me or anything, just sat there and cried. I never went near her purse again. I felt so awful :( [hr] [url=]Lucky Treasure Maps![/url]
[hr] [url=]Lucky Treasure Maps![/url]

inara60 .. it seems like you went on quite a guilt trip. xD

I did, because of me, we ate macaroni and cheese for a week :P [hr] [url=]Lucky Treasure Maps![/url]
[hr] [url=]Lucky Treasure Maps![/url]

Kids are great but some of the hardest lessons come from humiliatetion and super understanding parent. So great job
Oh look bubbles!!!

When it comes to money I think they don't want to question it. My son took 12 games to a used/pawn shop to see what he could get for them.. he was only 8. The man offered my son $25 dollars, and then pressured him to take the deal! Those games were a couple years old, but still! What kind of businesses are these that would allow children to spend or barter? I was going to march down there and make a stink but instead decided to make it a hard lesson learned for my son. I'm not sure what I'd have done in your shoes with actual cash taken :/
