ItemDB *grr*


Here's another thing I find strange there, I sent in a report about it, I'll post the reply here. I saw this at least twice tonight alone: [quote]Price History for Jump Into the Future Current Price: 190,000 NP Last Change: August 15, 2010 Changed By: zixianna User Old Price New Price Change Date sija8 110,000 NP 180,000 NP +70,000 NP May 25, 2009 kilment 180,000 NP 200,000 NP +20,000 NP May 1, 2010 Item DB Crew 200,000 NP 290,000 NP +90,000 NP May 19, 2010 chris799_reborn 290,000 NP 150,000 NP -140,000 NP May 29, 2010 zixianna 300,000 NP 190,000 NP -110,000 NP August 15, 2010[/quote] Look at the lat 2 entries. It is reduced in price from 290K to 150K. And then I reduce it from 300K to 190K. But nowhere does it go from 150K to 300K. The dates fall outside the note quoted below: [quote]Note: Some data may be incomplete or missing from the above data set. Public price changes were not logged until mid-2008, and price changes by our staff were not logged until October 2009.[/quote]

I figured I should post this here, just cause it's a positive response, everything in this thread IS negative, but it IS the Kiln, and whining about things is what it's here for *lol* I suggested removing Captcha verification for some of their various forms when there is a user is actually logged in: [quote]That's not a bad idea. We'll mark that down for our future Item Database redesign since the way everything is structured now, we can't check login status on those form pages.[/quote] Aha, modularization without integration (is that like Taxation without Representation? No, not really, it's just a lot of words ending in 'ion' *lol*), definitely easier on the coding.
