Should neo put account age on board

Really i am effing tired of this. All these retarded noobs posting irrelevant shit on boards. I just saw this on shop ads. my brother die i im relly sad i wont be on for a wile no joke What the heck has this gotta do with us. All these random newbies posting 1np sales and shit like this selling junk and spamming the boards. Like one person made like 8 separate topics to sell a stupid dung! Should neo put account ages so you can visit specific boards like for example you need to be like 2 months or something to enter the shop ads boards or trading post and auctions board or battledome and stuff. I can post like a million random topic completely irrevelant to the board! As you can see i put this topic on the kiln so dont blame me if i get all angry and crap because i really am. please post your opinion.

[quote=raquza][/quote] that is actually hilarious lol if only you could get items like that instead of actually workings hard for them :)

[quote=aisling_nolan][quote=raquza][/quote] that is actually hilarious lol if only you could get items like that instead of actually workings hard for them :)[/quote] next people are going to lie that their mum died and beg for items. That is completely disgusting.
-------------------------- In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure~ Bill Cosby this one was confusing.
-------------------------- In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure~ Bill Cosby this one made me laugh for a week. n00bs these days.
-------------------------- In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure~ Bill Cosby

No matter when someone's allowed to be on the boards if they're the type to post this type of stuff they're going to. Some of it's pretty entertaining, though really =) The rest I just ignore. Since TNT doesn't have the feature to block everything from a person (including board posts and topics) - someone mentioned that and I think it would be awesome - I have to use my internal filter and just assume it's a young kid and move on.

[quote=crisbythesea]No matter when someone's allowed to be on the boards if they're the type to post this type of stuff they're going to. Some of it's pretty entertaining, though really =) The rest I just ignore. Since TNT doesn't have the feature to block everything from a person (including board posts and topics) - someone mentioned that and I think it would be awesome - I have to use my internal filter and just assume it's a young kid and move on.[/quote] This is exactly how I feel about it. Abusive rants only show the childishness of the one ranting. --Manic

[quote=aisling_nolan] oh and the girl about the food had a 36month old account lol but i did take full advantage as i sell a shop full of food. oh it would never work being over 18 but hay wouldn't it be nice. i dont think this is a new issue though, i remember this kind of crap from the start[/quote] I had 3 neomails from that person: From: [taker34_0] oscar » Make this user your Neofriend Sent: 9/10/2010 07:51pm Folder: Inbox Subject: Random Chat Message: [Report Message] let me goin the mall From: [taker34_0] oscar » Make this user your Neofriend Sent: 9/10/2010 08:00pm Folder: Inbox Subject: Random Chat Message: [Report Message] add me in the mall pleas From: [taker34_0] oscar » Make this user your Neofriend Sent: 9/10/2010 08:49pm Folder: Inbox Subject: Random Chat Message: [Report Message] add me to the mall pleas *star* *star* ^^ The Faerieland Mall's Bakery & Sweets Shop! ^^

Noobs are annoying. I do agree. But more annoying than ANY EFFING THING RIGHT NOW TO ME, is whenever I try to buy healing potions or, well, anything really off the SSW, it says, "This lookup (lookup, NOT shop front, by the way) contained profanity and has now been cleared." Well, why the hell did they clear the ITEMS from it, and not just the "profanity"? Is this another CG thing?

I know i thought i had sniped some A-neggs in stock around 40 which were selling at around 30k. I was suspicious but i couldnt help myself. I clicked on it and again it said this shop description has profanity on it or something like that.
-------------------------- In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure~ Bill Cosby

[quote=raquza][quote=desphair][quote=raquza]Really i am effing tired of this. All these retarded noobs posting irrelevant shit on boards. I just saw this on shop ads. my brother die i im relly sad i wont be on for a wile no joke What the heck has this gotta do with us. All these random newbies posting 1np sales and shit like this selling junk and spamming the boards. Like one person made like 8 separate topics to sell a stupid dung! Should neo put account ages so you can visit specific boards like for example you need to be like 2 months or something to enter the shop ads boards or trading post and auctions board or battledome and stuff. I can post like a million random topic completely irrevelant to the board! As you can see i put this topic on the kiln so dont blame me if i get all angry and crap because i really am. please post your opinion.[/quote] *cough* Ahem. This will be long and flamey so please put on your goggles and fire retardant blankie. Okay, so, TNT WTH!? The help boards have almost incessant spam and HAVE YOU LOOKED AT THE POUND CHAT?! Even when neopets is dieing (though it is returning a bit because of the plot) you have 3 pages of topics that have been posted on in the same minute! The shop boards are my home though. It's insane. Why do people want to ruin neopets?! NEOPETS!? Low life bastards. Go get a job, get laid, get a sodoku puzzle. SOMETHING. I mean, really? -.- With that said, I think if we report on sight most of the spammers will just get bored of creating new accounts; OR we could be nice once in a while and say that what they are doing is reportable. I have done that before and let me tell YOU, spammers aren't very smart. I made a board before and a spammer and someone else started a random conversation. I told them to stop bumping the board and they said, "No bug off." SO, it led into a big, mean fight with everyone and I reported them. :) On another note, what is TNT doing at work all day? Lolly-gagging and curling their hair? They start a plot knowing that there will be a battle in it where people will use the shop wizard to buy items when they know about the massive cg problem on their site. They may be as dumb as the spammers. I think I actually almost got cg'ed today. I was logged out of my account, quickly logged back in and changed my password. Speaking of that, where are the admins patrolling the boards and warning spammers? This is insane. TNT, you are just asking to lose more members. ----------- Morceau De Gâteau™ Anyone want some good cheap items?[/quote] TNT are probably curling up their hair and falling asleep. i have a screenie of a board fight. Ill put it on photobucket then post it here with the storyline. It was so stupid.[/quote] I was caught in a board fight one time on a board I made. People came talking about spiders and started their own little conversation on my board I said leave and they said no. THEN for some odd reason everyone took their side O.o lol....I was like wth? & I tried to explain everything I felt in that....essay of a post XD I reported 2 people yesterday for posting on my board. The title was "This is hard lol XD" and I was referring (if they had even bothered to read my first post) to the battling in the plot. I was having trouble training fast enough. The troll posted "Thats what she said." I said immature and someone else came by saying I was immature then the troll quoted them and blah blah on and on I was like wtf? o-0 now people are taking the troll's side? ----------- An Unlikely Tale™ No Such Thing As Happily Ever After
----------- An Unlikely Tale™ No Such Thing As A Happy Ending
