Tired of Stupid Lag

I'm Mad. I was still buying stuff for my shop while running habitarium and now all I get is 'Server Not Found'.

I must be the only one. I'm still getting shop hits while I can't even get on neopets. I have to run my habitarium so I can have np to spin the Wheel of Extravagance :K

try rebooting your internet. NeoMallers is lagging every now and then however ----------------------------- [color=purple]Are you protected?[/color] http://www.neopets.com/~punchback_bob CG information & more
----------------------------- [color=purple]Protect your account[/color] http://www.neopets.com/~punchback_bob CG information & more

I can go to every other website fine. It's only neopets that I get that on. I'll just keep adding to my book list from Jellyneo and call it a night.

i guess one of the servers between your ISp and neopets is messing up.. ----------------------------- [color=purple]Are you protected?[/color] http://www.neopets.com/~punchback_bob CG information & more
----------------------------- [color=purple]Protect your account[/color] http://www.neopets.com/~punchback_bob CG information & more

Works now. Just in time for the snowager.

that doesn't do it to me
neopet rock too the max

rip habitarium, you slow-loading devil of a way to earn pure while killing my beloved laptop the p3s were cute though