Wasting 4 mil on silly ads.

Does it bug anyone else that people will spend 4 mil nps on a pointless 4 mil ad? There's someone there that posted 5 in a row saying each word of "I have too many Neopoints" as a different ad. That is valuable space! And I really hope that it someone's real ad doesn't end up under them on peak day, though they shouldn't if they posted at midnight NST. But still... GRR! I seriously waste about 5 valuable seconds a day reading that :P

Doesn't make me mad. They can spend their np as they chose. Just makes me jealous! lol I wonder if the neopoints were illegitimate or something though and they had to get rid of them somehow? Maybe I am being paranoid haha
-------------------- Want to be part of a 4 Mil NB ad? Go Here: http://www.neopets.com/~Lideus Are your pets hungry? Go Here: http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=hamstergirl3350

It does annoy me a bit. My 4 mill ad's up behind it so I won't get as many hits.

Yes I saw that a few days ago and thought... who would waste 20million NP on that!!? It was funny because I had just calculated (Thanks to Dmitri's nifty calculator!) that I need over 20mil for mainmarket size... I was like... :o That is about how many I need for my goal! I am happy to report that the person posted sometime before midnight( I noticed before then), and Mel posted afterwards so hopefully everything will be A-ok :)

Wow, I wished I have that kind of money to throw like that.

lol that person posted randomly during the afternoon (i happened to be like right there o_O). i could think of SO much better things to do with that np but ohwellls, if thats how he wants to use 20mill.

I'm more jealous then annoyed.... but can you even imagine the noobmail they'll be getting for a week straight? THAT I'm not jealous over.

Just think how many people view his user lookup. LOL If he put a counter on his userlookup, he probably became #1 in the top shops by a mile LOL
. _______________________________________________ Bugsy's GUIDE to Effective SHOPKEEPING and MALLING: Version 3: Learn More About Hut Positioning http://www.neopets.com/~bugsy_lenny

I know him from posting 1001NP advertisements in the Notice Board. He used to constantly do it and I'm surprised that he would waste money just like that. I'm assuming that someone has gotten in his account or he had just quite neopets. There is no other viable reasons why he would do such a thing. Poor him if someone did get into his account. ------------------------- You're in for a surprise. Your wish has just been granted! http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=1434sweet Do you need more shop sales? Come participate in a 4 million shop advertisement! Please visit my neopet's page for more details.
WOW! Selling: Maps, Neggs, Stamps, Coins, Cards, ETC! http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=1434sweet#p

[quote=1434neopets]I know him from posting 1001NP advertisements in the Notice Board. He used to constantly do it and I'm surprised that he would waste money just like that. I'm assuming that someone has gotten in his account or he had just quite neopets. There is no other viable reasons why he would do such a thing. Poor him if someone did get into his account. ------------------------- You're in for a surprise. Your wish has just been granted! http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=1434sweet Do you need more shop sales? Come participate in a 4 million shop advertisement! Please visit my neopet's page for more details.[/quote] Oh wow. Yea, I thought there was something fishy about it.
-------------------- Want to be part of a 4 Mil NB ad? Go Here: http://www.neopets.com/~Lideus Are your pets hungry? Go Here: http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=hamstergirl3350

yeah it was really fishy if you ask me
