A Sense Of Community?

I run a small shop on Neopets (on a new main account, I've practically abandoned my 4+ years old one for all but the AAA) which specialises in books, I really enjoy collecting books for my customers and selling them (I restock every Sunday, so my stock can look a bit pathetic quickly as the week goes on, but I like it that way - loyal customers can be rewarded and find great deals by bookmarking and checking the store on a Sunday from 2PM NST onwards). The thing is I don't have a huge desire to join a mall as I'm still way to small and I probably on average only stock 30-40 items a week. However I feel like I'm missing out on a sense of community that mallers seem to have that I look for, someone to share that passion with (but even more helpful if their passion lies in food) and just..I don't know? Talk about shoppy stuff. Call me sad, but it sounds fun. Any suggestions on achieving a sense of community? Atleast I now have neomallers.com :)

"Food" was an example by the way, not a request*

First you have Neomallers :) It's not terribly active, but that is as much a reflection of Neopets itself right now as anything else. The more active Neopets and it's users are, the more active Neo 'fan sites' are. So, here you have people from all different malls and persuasions in a single place, PLUS a huge history that doesn't expire after 5-7 days like Neopets chat boards. Some malls have chat and restock boards as well, and many don't mind at all if people who aren't actually part of their mall hang around to chat, so that's another way to connect with people closer to /~ 0:-)

Thank you for your kind response, I'll keep an eye out.

Zixi :O I am terribly active :P
-------------------------- In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure~ Bill Cosby

Yeah that's why I wanted to join a mall, it gets a little boring running a shop on your own.
just started up a mall --> http://www.neopets.com/~Exallos