Has your shop ever been squeezedout of a mall to make room for a larger shop?

I'm just curious to find out how many people have had thier shop removed by a mall to make room for a larger shop.

No, but when I ran a mall, I sometimes thought about it. It came down to whether Neopoints or people were more important. The only good reason to dump a shop is because the shop-owner couldn't function in the group - maybe they got frozen (happened waaay to often), or they were all drama and high maintenance, or they just didn't have time to maintain their shops. In my opinion. Even then, I wouldn't outright dump anyone. Maybe encourage them to find another mall, or to split into a separate group, or to come back when they had more time, or something respectful. *saving my neo-fights for the battledome*

I've only been in one mall ..Aisles ... and I thought I'd never be in a mall but that mall is wonderful! And the owner was very patient and encouraging .. Due to RL issues with my elderly parent and my inability to maintain the shop I was voluntarily removed even though the owner would have worked to keep in it. If I am ever able to really devote time to malling in the future, it would be in that mall!

Forgot to say that I was a very small shop ... and while increasing shop size was encouraged it was for me to decide when/if to increase it.

I avoided that by upgrading my shop to 1800 lol but yes, it's nearly happened a few times :P The other reason for having a large shop is authority (after i became leader of my mall). it was initially a pain dealing with people with large shop sizes so the best way to deal with them was to upgrade very close or over them From experience, i find that size 1500+ shops are just a huge pain (not all though). but especially the old ones lol *cough* ----------------------------- [color=purple]Are you protected?[/color] http://www.neopets.com/~punchback_bob CG information & more
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I havnt, and hopefully it wont happen because I just joined my first mall. Always thought about it but never did. So far im happy with it ^_^ ~*~Jobi Lynn~*~
~*~Jobi Lynn~*~

no mall member should ever have to second guess their mall security if they're following the malls rules (mainly staying stocked, updated, and meeting upgrade goals/guidelines). period.

As a manager, I've never removed anyone simply to get a larger shop size in. I've removed people for not stocking, getting frozen and not contacting me after more than like 2 weeks, not updating banners for weeks on end, etc etc. But never just to get in a larger shop. Even though most of the people with these issues ARE smaller shops. From my experiences, I do find a lot of the people I work with around size 150 tend to be a little high maintenance because they're still new to malling and getting the hang of it. They tend to price too cheaply, and complain, for instance. But if I see a myriad of problems with them, then I kind of want them out LOL. I prefer working with people with 200+ shops, since it weeds out the immediate n00bs I've worked with in the last year *facepalm* I found that in some malls, the larger shops are more motivated and dedicated, so I'd lie if I said I was unbiased.