Re-Seller Wanting to Start Malling, Any Advice?

Hello everyone, I'm TBC and is my shop. It's probably empty, I made my np by buying up training items on the SSW and re-selling them from anywhere to 1,000 to 1 np profit and have done very well. My clientele often mallers themselves looking to re-stock their items fast. What do I need to do to be taken seriously? When you could time Restocks in the main shops, I did very well with the book store. Other than that, I really don't know much about other items to sell. I have a SDB FULL of items and a good bit of NP to invest into filling my shop with content. What do I need to do to be taken seriously? Since I started back, I upgrade my shop every week and it fills up while I'm out sniping to the point where I'm spamming a shop ad to make more room. I'm only 35 and I'm hearing 1,000+ is the standard. I'm just looking for a small mall, people to link to that do keep their shops stocked. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, reselling is a lot of fun but it gets boring being in business by yourself.

there are some malls these days that cater to the midsized small shops, but you'd really have to work at it to be successful. I mean I was size 35 not too long ago. You'd have to stock only your category and stock of 1 each item to be successful so your shop has more unique items in stock and has about 2 full pages of stock I restock in the various book shops by randomly refreshing and stocking. There are other catagories that are profitable especially the faerie quest shops, like collectable cards, fire faerie quest clothing items. And of course food! The only neopian shop that isn't profitable is the ticky tack shop. My mall wolfpack Mall does cater to the smaller size shops with an entry requirement of size 35 Here's our mall members page for more info

Realistically, you need a bigger shop. Yes, there are smaller malls around, but if you're serious about it, then you'll want to be upgrading anyway. You need a decent size in order to be able to stock enough unique items, but although Bluebell has said to just stock one of each item, I would say you need to have a big enough shop to stop a minimum of 2 or 3 of each item you are selling. This way, when someone buys one of your items, you have others still in stock. If you're restocking regularly, you should be able to keep everything looking good. However, the number of items you stock is going to depend on your category. If you're looking at a training spot, for example, you may get people buying multiples of the same item, so you're going to need more of each. -------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------- Size 528/550 Target date: 16th September 2012

you should probably get to size 100 or so there are a ton of malls who require a size 100 and you wiould be able to stock most categories

All I can say is that be careful because with the username, Neo might purge it. *lol* Good luck on getting back into malling. I just got back into it too last month.The Great Literatory
525,600 Minutes

I made it to 70 today, I'm dedicating all my profits to upgrading to 100 and getting stock in there to fill the page, I just sold out of all my training items and I'm banned for the next 30min :( As far as getting purged or frozen for the name, I've been told several times by TNT that my name is fine. I wish I had chosen to make my side, fussysnapdragon, my main.