Inventory Tracking + Out of Stock Items

Hi there! I am fairly new to using Portal, and I'm really liking it! I'm curious though... I'm not using the Portal to track sales at this point, only out-of-stock and low-in-stock items, so I'm only using the shop front tools, and leaving the sales history and emulator alone. I have run into a few minor problems, though... When I pasted in my last shop front, one of my items came up out-of-stock, so I stocked it accordingly. But when it didn't pop up as unpriced in my Neopets shop stock area, I went looking for it. Turned out, I had four in stock (the two that were already there when I pasted my shop front into Portal, plus the two I just added). Is this a Portal glitch (which isn't a huge deal), or (more importantly) am I using Portal incorrectly?

maybe it was an item just between 2 pages.. when you copied the page before, it was still on the next page, then before you copied the following page, some1 bought an item on one of the previous pages and when you copied the page it was on, it wandered to the page before. I hope my post is understandable.. i just got up 0:-)

Very rarely, i noticed it doing that but a quick rescan should fix it. If it happens repeatedly, then something might be wrong.
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Ok, I am revisiting this post because its relevant to the problem I am having. I am also new to using the portal and I am just trying to keep track of low and out of stock items. I have done the shop front sync multiple times and it keeps telling me I have 0 stock for like 270 items which I know is not the case. Am I doing some thing wrong?

Is this Portal X2 or the original software version of Portal (10.x)
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It is the Portal X2

Portal X2 requires you to submit pages (3 a time) when you are initially ADDING new items into the database. When all your items have already been added and you are just wanting to do an UPDATE, you have to paste all your pages ALL at once. (and not 3 at a time or 1 at a time like in the original portal) This is a limitation of the server/operating system (and this also why neopets will also only allow you to use quickstock up to 70 items)
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Ok, thanks I will try that.