Join The Blue Oasis Mall - No Required Shop Size!

Welcome to the most fun mall online! We're looking for dedicated shopkeepers to join our ranks, with no required shop size and no money paying necessary. Reply to this thread if interested and I'll neomail you from there.

so good it had to be posted twice, man that MUST be some mall *lol*
525,600 Minutes

That was a computer glitch, would you be interested in joining?

That was a computer glitch, would you be interested in joining?

hello i sell food and drink and bakery and sweets but 80% bakery and sweets i would like to join ;)

hello im interested in joining. If i do get in a have a food/drink shop (and some sweets but if theres an opening for gourment or food and drinks i would like one of those) thanks neomail details and if i get in :D