Grrr TNT stop changing the names of wearables!!!

*cry* It's playing havoc with my portal, latest item to be hit - i club sloth t-shirt is now i club sloth grundo t-shirt Quit fiddling with names all the damn time and come up with some symbols like with the neohome v2 items. All it would take is one symbol to show it's wearable, and a different one if it is species specific...

I think they're doing this because of last week's editorial where a user complained that some species-specific wearables had the pet name of which it was wearable in the item name, whereas some did not. Apparently this wreaked havoc with this particular user's clientele, and now they are changing it all. Perhaps I am incorrect. It sounds very annoying for you, though.

Yeah I can see why they are doing it, just this is one really big mess, since loads of items have pet names in that ARE wearable by other species too, I think they could be going about this a whole lot better. Question to Dmitri - with these name changes, it means losing sales stats in the portal for them if I delete. Am I being stupid or is there no other way to go about it but delete the old name and have the new name? It would make life so much easier if there is a way of editing the name of the item
___________ Kirsty aka "the sensitive one" Silverdragon siggy stealer Tasty tent seller

I got all confused when they changed the sinister neovian clothing myself, I haven't noticed the I club sloth one yet I must admitt though. I wonder if its possible to have them put a outline of the pet its for or something in the corner?

you would have to modify both entries in the ss2 folders (the index and data files)
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Searching for ... Yellow Tonu Sandals Shop Owner Amount in Stock Price dad01mom 106 99,999 NP I'm guessing tonu day is coming or something. That item is marked as 8k in portal Edit: nope. wonder what caused the inflation
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I sold out of my tonu slippers yesterday as well. When I went to stock them, the same guy had 5 up in trades asking for 120k each. Meanwhile I had them for sale at 14k, I believe. Pretty sure it's a specific someone inflating random wearables. Blergh.
- Kara

yeah, it was that person with 100+ of them in his shop inflating them. he bought all of mine at 15k and they were a few k over lowest ssw when I put them in there. what kind of moron buys every buyable of a TONU item in hopes of making profit? TONU? REALLY?
bête noire (bet-NWAHR) noun: An object or person that is particularly disliked or that is to be avoided

[quote=demirep77]yeah, it was that person with 100+ of them in his shop inflating them. he bought all of mine at 15k and they were a few k over lowest ssw when I put them in there. what kind of moron buys every buyable of a TONU item in hopes of making profit? TONU? REALLY?[/quote] at least it wasnt pile of dung. Buy them at 1np and inflate it to 2np - 100% profit!!! *unsure*
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LOL yeah i'd wondered what was up with them flip flops too
___________ Kirsty aka "the sensitive one" Silverdragon siggy stealer Tasty tent seller

is it even possible to BUY dung!? O.o? Come check it out:
