THIS IS FROM YOU. You know, you really should invest the time to read the tutorials. It may be slightly different but its the same concept. Also, try to understand it yourself. You cant expect people to hold your hand every step of the way. Quote: I got rid of everything. I now have 8.x Where do I put my shop front? That clearly shows you're not even thinking at all. There's a big green button that says "Submit Shop Front" It can't get any clearer than that -.- If you're too lazy to do some of the homework, then no offense but this site is not for you. The tools here are meant to help you with malling, not do ALL the work for you. I personally think most of the stuff here are straightforward - importants things are marked in red and graphics and tooltips are used to make things look nicer and less complex. IT WAS A GLITCH, THERE WAS NO TRACKER, JUST A SMALL BLOCK. I'M 60YRS OLD, I'M NOT A CHILD, THAT NEEDS SCOLDING. I WON'T ASK FOR YOUR HELP AGAIN.

He was mean to me too.

Awww so much love for Dmitri *hugs him* By the way, if you are 60 years old why do you feel the need to be being so immature about this?
___________ Kirsty aka "the sensitive one" Silverdragon siggy stealer Tasty tent seller

$ BUDGET HOME @ GARDEN + SCRATCHCARDS $ mamawfl http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=mamawfl You think it inmmature, to defend, my self, for being stupid, when I wasn't. Who's the inmmature person here. Sounds to me like you and him, are the ones that need to grow up.
$ BUDGET- BATTLE-MAGIC-SCROLLS $ mamawfl http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=mamawfl

Keep on insulting, I think it just continues to make you look worse :) Dmitri works hard to provide the portal, spends HOURS coding it in some really ugly looking crap that most of us probably would never understand. Puts hours of work into correcting errors as we find them. All for free! Meanwhile he gets god knows how many people having problems which usually are user caused by not following directions carefully. He is only human, not friggin superman! So if he loses his temper every so often so be it, I wasnt aware you were perfect.
___________ Kirsty aka "the sensitive one" Silverdragon siggy stealer Tasty tent seller

You know, I can go on and on about free service, 3781 users, and tutorial/help pages, but I'll just post the following since I'm right in the middle of something: The logout button is on the top right corner of this site if you dont like what you see here - no one is forcing you to be here. I shall come back to this later and provide a free 101 course on the subject if time permits.
----------------------------- [color=purple]Protect your account[/color] http://www.neopets.com/~punchback_bob CG information & more

Huh...I looked on the help board, and I did not see this question posted there.

Did you make it clear and mention there wasn't a submitt shop front when you asked Dmitri? no? Then how would he know that was the problem? he probably gets obvious questions all the time and from the looks of it he could have been quite rude to you but he wasn't. Instead you the apparant mature 60 year old decide to come onto the forums and complain about it and show yourself up to be the disrespectful one. Nice site by the way Dmitri everything is well laid out with step by step instructions ;)

Aww... mamawfl, you shouldn't be so rude to dmitri. After all, he is 40 years older then you. You should really learn to respect your elders. ;)

You've been around for 60 years and still haven't learned how to use correct punctuation? You know, it gets a bit annoying reading, sentences, with, a, comma, after, every, few, words. ___________ [color=gray]Chris, aka wushu_soldier[/color] [size=11][i]Sniper, maller, reseller Background shop of X-Mart Neomallers graphics designer[/i][/size]
___________ [color=gray]Chris, aka wushu_soldier[/color] [size=11][i]Sniper, maller, reseller Background shop of X-Mart Neomallers graphics designer[/i][/size]

Whoa. One thing I've found works well online is patience. I've found it works to be patient, forgiving, etc. Take time to have sympathy for your leaders -- in this case Dmitri & all the mods. I'm sure they work VERY hard. I'm sorry you had problems with the portal. I found a lot of help reading the tutorials -- and when I needed help, after posting nicely, the people here were/are wonderful. Patience :)
