The NERVE of some people - seriously!
Submitted by nioe_yemar on Mon, 23/11/2009 - 1:25am
[quote] From:
[sneakystep] Bryan
» Make this user your Neofriend
Sent: 23/11/2009 01:03am
Folder: Inbox
Subject: hi
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i see you are trying to run a mall. if you are serious about it i can make you a better banner. yours has no pictures or anything. it needs to be eye catching, you know?
You wrote: I am running a mall. I am serious about it. I like the banner I have now though, it's very simple, loads quickly, and it's pleasing. Your mall banner looks too busy to me, personally. Thanks for the offer though!
sneakystep replied:
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ok, no prob. but remember, no one likes an ugly banner :D
You wrote: My banner is not ugly, if that is what you are insinuating. [/quote]
The NERVE of some f-ing people!
*pets banner*
I love this banner that Gavin graciously made for me!
My shop link is in my siggy, if you'd like to see the banner.
The banner's not ugly, is it? *unsure*
I personally love the banner.
(N.B.: This thread is mainly for the pure purpose of ranting about this person. You needn't comment on the banner. If you want to though, you can PM me about it)
its not bad (: but what
TKDJamesPakTKD wrote:its
At the time I made it I
He was just trying to he
I think I remember this
Magic Wand the white par
Gavin, thats even better
Sorry, GIMP -- I deleted
Yeah all I do is copy th
Gavin63 wrote:Magic Wand