The NERVE of some people - seriously!

[quote] From: [sneakystep] Bryan » Make this user your Neofriend Sent: 23/11/2009 01:03am Folder: Inbox Subject: hi Message: [Report Message] i see you are trying to run a mall. if you are serious about it i can make you a better banner. yours has no pictures or anything. it needs to be eye catching, you know? You wrote: I am running a mall. I am serious about it. I like the banner I have now though, it's very simple, loads quickly, and it's pleasing. Your mall banner looks too busy to me, personally. Thanks for the offer though! sneakystep replied: [Report Message] ok, no prob. but remember, no one likes an ugly banner :D You wrote: My banner is not ugly, if that is what you are insinuating. [/quote] The NERVE of some f-ing people! *pets banner* I love this banner that Gavin graciously made for me! My shop link is in my siggy, if you'd like to see the banner. The banner's not ugly, is it? *unsure* I personally love the banner. (N.B.: This thread is mainly for the pure purpose of ranting about this person. You needn't comment on the banner. If you want to though, you can PM me about it)

its not bad (: but what about those neopet players that can't read english ?? =/ unless if you don't serve those people of course ^^ besides you can add pictures to that yourself in 10 minutes, wand, crop, cut, paste taadaa
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[quote=TKDJamesPakTKD]its not bad (: but what about those neopet players that can't read english ?? =/ unless if you don't serve those people of course ^^ besides you can add pictures to that yourself in 10 minutes, wand, crop, cut, paste taadaa[/quote] I am not great at graphics at all. The most I've ever been able to do was to make some general banners. I only have MS paint, and GIMP, but I have *no* idea where to even start in Gimp. *shrugs* *** [size=10]Grooming, wearables, backgrounds, clothes, Fire & Air Faerie Quest items! Owner of The Rainbow Fields Mall & Celestial Colours Guild![/size]
[url][/url] - Nioe's Emporium of Medicine and Cures! :* [url][/url] - Join Rainbow Fields Mall!

At the time I made it I had a lot going on and just put it together in around 1/2 an hour as they had no banner at all.. I do have a little bit of time now that we have our mall up and running so if you want some images and neaten it up a little more I might be able to do it..

He was just trying to help. The banner doesn't have any neopets images, and it doesn't seem to catch the eye. It's not ugly, no, but it could be improved. It's not hard to add images to correspond with the category and then you have neopets images and could be more catching to the eye.

[color=#33CCFF]I think I remember this being the mall that just had the text linked in the shops -- no banner at all. Yes, this is a vast improvement over that! It SHOULD not take long to add neopets images but I have tried countless times to remove the white background from the images using gimp; gimp tutorial; other people's directions; etc. [/color] [color=#33CCFF]This IS NOT easy: (3 steps would be easy) [/color] [color=#33CCFF]This is the best info I've found:[/color] [color=#33CCFF]Feel free to add your easy detailed instructions; I would LOVE to have them! [/color] ~ Mimi ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ temps_bons graphics ~
~ Mimi ~

Magic Wand the white part in Adobe photoshop then hit the delete button

Gavin, thats even better than what I do. Paste the image into a new file, then magic wand the wight background, right click and select inverse, ctrl+c, then ctrl+p onto your mall image. Good luck.

[color=#33CCFF]Sorry, GIMP -- I deleted my Photoshop....grrr! [/color] ~ Mimi ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ temps_bons graphics ~
~ Mimi ~

Yeah all I do is copy the image paste it straight onto the mall banner then use the magic wand hit the delete then go to edit/transform/scale.. hold the shift key when resizing to keep the right aspect ratio

[quote=Gavin63]Magic Wand the white part in Adobe photoshop then hit the delete button[/quote] lol i was about to say that. One of the first things i learned how to do..remember to set the tolerance, although taking the white out of neoitems you really don't even need to bother =P For each item i would be shocked if it took longer than 10 seconds =X. Not sure if i am allowed to say this here.. but I know of some people, not me of course, that just bitcomet or torrented photoshop =). for free. You have to get an older version or CS3 because CS2 you will need to activate online =/ or so i heard O:)
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