Oh no! Shawna that sucks!! :(
I too have noticed an increase in freezings lately. At least 2 people in my mall alone were just frozen last week.
One of my best friends on neo was frozen for her own protection almost 4 months ago. Not only has neo not returned her account, but they said they won't due to scammers using her account to scam others. The second reply she got was saying she had been frozen due to her username being inappropriate o_O
It's a far stretch to find something wrong with 22w569 in my opinion... so I'm in agreement that the neo staff have no clue what they're doing
It's well known when an account get's iced,staff members "raid" the account for want of a better word.Then they come up with a load of rubbish about you not getting the account back being for whatever reason.That's why a lot of times when people get their accounts back,its usually empty or certain items are missing.There are also people who have had half of their items removed from their accounts with the reason being that they "have too much."Just woken up one day and logged on to find a ton of items and np's missing.I think it just goes to show really that the staffing on the site is pretty low.Its almost like your bank taking money from your account saying you have too much,their are laws to protect such things but TNT are a law unto themselves.
Has anyone that sent in tickets for getting frozen had them looked at yet? Mine is still reading open, I'm debating about calling and canceling premi since I have a feeling this might take awhile and I don't want to spent $8 on being frozen.
My account has been frozen by the Neopets police also with no valid reason, or explanation why. No answer to emails or anything. You would think that they would take care of the premium members.
hey x_s0lar_flar3_x
yeah it sucks right now...i am not a premium member...or have i ever been...but i had been thinking about it....but i doubt it now.
I havent heard a thing from tnt...i emailed them from my email account they i had first started from...and also opened another account and reported it.
And to think why neopets isnt as popular as it used to be....i spent over 8 years on it...and i wouldnt spend another eight to get where i was again..it is to much of a waste for me.
And since i havent had neo on weekend..i saw my mom and dad...my two best friends...i went shopping...and walking....talked to my two brothers on face book...and found some of my daughters childhood friends as well as some of my high school friends...i am starting to wonder if this was maybe a sign for me.
darkparadiddle here:
Apparently I'm unfrozen. My ticket still says open. My password didn't work so I tried the password recovery and put in my email and it told me it couldn't find an account. I tried the username recovery and it emailed my username and some random password. I tried logging in to my account with that password and it takes me back the frozen for my protection screen. So basically I'm not frozen unless I actually want to use my account.
that is just great...i saw you had nothing in your shop...think you sold all those paintbrushes u had in there...i bet everything was stolen.
Did u have a pin on your stuff?
I dont see how they can say for our protection and us have nothing left.
Oh no! Shawna that suck
It's well known when an
Has anyone that sent in
My account has been froz
hey x_s0lar_flar3_x yea
Well since i posted my l
darkparadiddle has his s
that is just great...i s
I had everything pinned.