@#$% Frozen Again

Just got logged out and when I went to log in I have been frozen for my protection AGAIN *angry*

[quote=Shawna_43]lets hope we get it back for weekend then[/quote] Good luck getting your account back . Also hope Gavin could come back soon and get the Pets Paradise Mall back on track. Sales is doing a magnificent job. :D
-------------------------- In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure~ Bill Cosby

[quote=raquza][quote=Shawna_43]lets hope we get it back for weekend then[/quote] Good luck getting your account back . Also hope Gavin could come back soon and get the Pets Paradise Mall back on track. Sales is doing a magnificent job. :D[/quote] Whadda you mean... I haven't gone anywhere and also keeping an eye on things.. Can still maintain the mall page as it is on my side account ;) Pets paradise Mall 3 Branches Info http://www.neopets.com/~Shizukeo

[quote=davymuncher] [color=gray]Why don't you catch them by surprise and send a snail mail? :P[/color] --- [color=blue] If at first you don't succeed, Skydiving may not be for you. [/color][/quote] LOL totally forgot about good ol' snail mail. Whilst not as good as in person, at least it will be something physical. It'd be real interesting if they actually sent a reply letter :o *goes off to spend a day or two composing a letter* I'll have to type and print it as my handwriting is horrible, but I'll be jotting thoughts on my iPhone whilst at work and etc, so that my final draft will not be missing any subjects. Theres going to be 8+ years of thoughts/concerns with this letter, as I have been on Neo since the summer of 2001. This wouldnt be the first time TNT has ticked me off. As always, I wish the best to everyone that is going through a glitch/icing/loss of assets on Neopets. I'll still poke around every now and then during this wait. I wont cancel premium either, at least, not unless 3 months pass with no word from TNT. That is the max time I am giving TNT to respond. After 3 months if I dont have my main back, I will simply be done with Neo period. I dont restock (too many cheaters/autobuyer users), nor do I mess with investments like stocks, so it takes me years of hard work to earn [color=blue](excluding chance happen investment opportunities such as buying several hundred Aneggs before the plot and reselling for 10k profit each easily)[/color] enough NP to even buy an item such as a Gbomb. I dont have the patience to restart from zero, and besides, I would be too pissed off. It takes money to make money. The current economy is too horrible to restart in. Instead, I will be contacting the BBB. Not sure if there is any grounds I can stand on against TNT, but its worth a phonecall/letter to them. Seems I wouldnt be the first, as BBB classifies them as a failure. If I only had time invested I wouldnt care, however, I have over 2 grand in real cash into this main account, so it is pretty serious to me. /rant Oh and my apologies in advance to any Neomails/questions anyone may have sent/asked me that I have failed to answer/reply to. I have not been on the net hardly at all, I have actually been able to get things done and accomplished in real life now that my Neopets life has been unintentionally interrupted. [font=Courier New] -------------------------------------------------------------- Nubs [b] War [/b] Supply: http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=whispering_acara&misc Profits from new plot so far: 2.45m [/font]

What are they doing.... I just heard back from my ticket I sent in and they are asking for more information... What gives me the #@$*^ is that the "extra" information to verify my account was supplied in my support ticket I sent in.. Pets paradise Mall 3 Branches Info http://www.neopets.com/~Shizukeo

[quote=Gavin63]What are they doing.... I just heard back from my ticket I sent in and they are asking for more information... What gives me the #@$*^ is that the "extra" information to verify my account was supplied in my support ticket I sent in.. Pets paradise Mall 3 Branches Info http://www.neopets.com/~Shizukeo[/quote] I would put in anything that you knew about the account or past history with the account therefore they can verify that you're the correct owner of the account and not whoever it was trying to scam the account. I put it all the neofriends I knew I had, past neomail, trade history, I told them I can verify my payment information for my premi account, etc. At least they've looked at your ticket though - mine still hasn't been assigned. http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=evilbluemunkeyz

Well my account has been returned after 1 week of being frozen.. It may appear quick but the ticket they addressed was one that I had submitted on the 24th July, a standard ticket from the last time I was frozen. After I submitted the standard ticket I had contacted them and they said to submit a premium one also... so the standard ticket had still been open all this time But at least I have my account back... Hope that everyone else gets theirs back soon I might submit another standard ticket now in case I get frozen again in 3 months time *lol* Pets paradise Mall 4 Branches Info http://www.neopets.com/~Shizukeo

That's great news Gavin!

There is a way to submit a premium ticket? http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=evilbluemunkeyz

yay Gavins back. Oh yeah i just remembered the mall page is on your side account. Anyway at least i dont have to do the noeboards now. :D
-------------------------- In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure~ Bill Cosby

[quote=evilbluemunkeyz]There is a way to submit a premium ticket?[/quote] http://premium.neopets.com/help.aspx There is a link to the premium frozen form from there You need to log in with your username and password that you use to log into your webmail http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=evilbluemunkeyz Pets paradise Mall 3 Branches Info http://www.neopets.com/~Shizukeo
